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                     Effect of Different Carbon Dioxide Pressure Gradients in Capnoperitoneum for Laparoscopic Examination in Dogs
          Effect of Different Carbon Dioxide Pressure Gradients in

          Capnoperitoneum for Laparoscopic Examination in Dogs

          Swapan Kumar Maiti, Avijit Dutta, Jagadish Varshney, Naveen Kumar

          ABSTRACT                                            electrocardiogram is therefore a very useful mean for
                                                              continuous assessment of patient’s condition during
          Eighteen female mongrel bitches, equally divided into three
          groups (A, B and C) were subjected to CO  insufflation at 6, 10  laparoscopy. In addition, blood gas analysis has been proved
          and 14 mm Hg pressure gradient respectively to study the  very useful to evaluate the effect of CP.  Increased intra-
          physiological changes of capnoperitoneum during laparoscopy.  abdominal pressure affects various intra-abdominal organs
          Optimum visualization of internal organs during laparoscopy was
          achieved at 10 and 14 mm Hg of CO  pressure gradient. The  and is linearly regulated by its level and durations. Alteration
          physiological effects were more pronounced at 14 mm Hg of  of hepatic function has been reported following laparoscope
          CO  pressure gradient. Marked increase of respiration rate in  surgery. 1
          correlation with increased pCO  and decreased pO  was
          observed in the group C. Bradyarrhythmia was observed in all  So far, very little works has been carried out on CP
          three groups, however, myocardial ischemia or hypoxia as  pressure gradient to establish a most suitable one for canine
          reflected through S-T segment depression and elevation was  species with having minimum adverse effects. Therefore,
          more pronounced in 14 mm Hg of CO  pressure gradient
          (group C). Alteration of liver function was within the physiological  the present study was undertaken to evaluate the
          range in the animals of all the three groups. Physiological stress  physiological effect of CP using different CO  pressure
          was remained significantly higher with 14 mm Hg intra-abdominal  gradients and to find a most suitable one for routine
          pressure. In conclusion, 10 mm Hg of CO  was found most  laparoscopic examination and surgery in canines.
          suitable pressure gradient for laparoscopic examination in dogs.
          Keywords: Capnoperitoneum, Dog, Intra-abdominal pressure,  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Electrocardiography, Laparoscopic surgery.
                                                              The study was conducted on 18 clinically healthy adult
          How to cite this article:  Maiti SK, Dutta A, Varshney J,
          Kumar N. Effect of Different Carbon Dioxide Pressure Gradients  female mongrel dogs with body weights of 15 to 20 kg and
          in Capnoperitoneum for Laparoscopic Examination in Dogs.  aged 16 to 22 months. The animals were randomly divided
          World J Laparosc Surg 2013;6(2):53-62.              into three equal groups (A, B and C) consisting of six
          Source of support: Nil                              animals each. Different CO  pressure gradients were used
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 to produce CP for laparoscopic visualization of different
                                                              intra-abdominal organs in these three groups of animals.
          INTRODUCTION                                        In group A, CO  pressure gradient was 6 mm Hg, whereas,
                                                              in groups B and C it was 10 and 14 mm Hg respectively.
          Laparoscopy is now considered as one of the most potent
          and promising aids for both its diagnostic and therapeutic  After administration of general anesthesia, the animals were
          use. It involves minimal invasiveness (keyhole surgery) with  placed in dorsal recumbency and then in the Trendelenburg
          maximum visibility, shorter surgical time, decreased  position for laparoscopic visualization of different
          postoperative discomfort and pain, less incidence of  intraperitoneal organs.
          infection, uncomplicated healing with minimal scarring, and  A small 0.5 cm skin incision was made at the level of
          minimal surgical morbidity.  Laparoscopy is now emerging  the umbilicus and a Verees needle was inserted. Insufflation
          as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the medical field. 3  of the abdominal cavity was achieved with carbon dioxide
             Laparoscopic examination requires the separation of  gas at the rate of 2 L/min with a pressure gradient of 6,
          structures from the abdominal wall. Insufflations of the  10 and 14 mm Hg in groups A, B and C respectively.
          abdomen with most suitable gas CO  optimally separates  A 6 mm safety trocar and cannula unit was inserted into the
          the intra-abdominal organs from ventral and lateral walls. 4  abdominal cavity. A rigid-type telescope connected to a light
          In response to CO  capnoperitoneum (CP) there are series  source and a digital camera was then introduced through
          of physiologic responses that have an impact on cardio-  the cannula. The intra-abdominal organs were visualized
          pulmonary function of animal. These responses include the  thoroughly. After completing the laparoscopic examination,
          hemodynamic changes related to mechanical and       CO  gas was allowed to escape through the cannula. The
          neuroendocrine effects of CP and effects of absorbed CO 2  incisions were sutured with simple interrupted sutures.
          on cardiovascular and respiratory function.  Routine  Antiseptic dressing was applied regularly for 3 days post-
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2013;6(2):53-62                                 53
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