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                                   Different Techniques of Tissue Retrieval from Abdominal Cavity during Minimal Access Surgery

          patients had better cosmesis, decreased postoperative pain,  Tissue retrieval through colpotomy has been known
          faster recovery and early return to work. 22        since long and now with the advent of MAS this has become
             Wyman et al described robotic-assisted hysterectomy  an important route for large-sized specimen retrieval. 20
          and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy through transvaginal  Naturally, this method is only available in females. This
          tissue retrieval by using anchor tissue retrieval system. These  procedure can be used in morbid obese patients with good
          patients were having atypical endometrial hyperplasia.  results. 21,22  In robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery,
          There was no split or tear in the sac and this system  colpotomy wound can be closed laparoscopically.  Tissue
          minimized the exposure of cancer bearing tissue to the  retrieval through colpotomy has been found to be safe and
          pelvis. 4                                           easy to learn method. There are minimal intraoperative and
                                                              postoperative complications, decreased hospital stay and
          DISCUSSION                                          early return to work. 4,5,22

          With advent of minimally access surgery by laparoscopy,
          the major challenge has been to find the easy and safe  CONCLUSION
          method of tissue retrieval from the surgical site. Enlargement  Tissue retrieval in MAS is an important issue. Various
          of trocar incision site is against the MAS and various  methods are being used and new technologies are being
          methods have been employed to overcome this problem.  developed to make this procedure safe for the patient. For
          It is important to retrieve the tissue from the abdominal  smaller specimens, transumbilical route using endobag
          cavity in such a way so it will not cause infection,  technique and for larger specimens retrieval through
          implantation of tumor cells or spillage of the contents into  colpotomy seems reasonable at this moment. Use of
          the abdominal cavity or tissue retrieval site. For this purpose,  morcellator is time saving but can only be used in for tissues
          various types of endobags have been described. There are  which are supposed to be benign in nature. For large tissue
          purpose built commercially available endobags but are  resections and organ removal, HALS shows good promise.
          expensive. Various do it yourself endobags have been
          described in literature which claim to be inexpensive and  REFERENCES
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