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Mokoena Martins Mohosho

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             9. Milad M, Nayak S, Fitzqerald C. A comparison of musculo-  ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                skeletal injuries in conventional laparoscopy as compared to its
                                                              Mokoena Martins Mohosho
                incidence in robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery. Trial.
                J Minimal Invasive Gynecology 2009 Nov;16(6):S1-S2.  Senior Lecturer, Consultant and Gynecologic Surgeon, Department
            10. Orady M. Learning curve for robotic hysterectomy: the henry  of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Free State and
                ford experience. J Minimal Invasive Gynecology 2011 Nov;  Pelonomi Regional Hospital, Bloemfontein-9301, South Africa
                18(6):S97.                                    Phone: +27731934098, e-mail:

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