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                          Retrospective Review of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy: An Experience at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh

          metal clips and divided. The dissection proceeds superiorly,  incision to completion of skin closure, estimated blood loss
          with the fatty tissue containing small vessels between the  was obtained from the anesthesia record, and length of stay
          adrenal gland and the lateral aspect of the inferior vena cava  was defined by the number of days in the hospital after the
          being divided carefully. The posterior and inferior  operative procedure.
          musculature of the diaphragm can be seen at this point. The
          dissection proceeds inferiorly until the inferior medial aspect  RESULTS
          of the gland is well identified and freed from Gerota’s fascia.
                                                              Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed in 10 patients
          This is facilitated by the liberal use of clips to divide
                                                              over a period of 4 years. The youngest patients in our study
          numerous small vessels in the retroperitoneal tissue. The
                                                              was 23 years old, while the eldest was 64 years.
          posterior, medial, and superior aspects of the adrenal are
                                                                 There was a female preponderance, with 8 females as
          dissected more easily from the undersurface of the
                                                              compared to 2 males. Out of the 10 tumors, 6 were found to
          diaphragm and retroperitoneal tissues. The adrenal gland is
                                                              be functional. Tumors were located on the left side in
          removed in a endoscopic bag through the lateral most port
                                                              6 patients and on the right side in 4 patients.
          site. The retroperitoneal space is examined for any evidence
                                                                 The size of the tumor ranged from 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.2 cm to
          of bleeding. This dissection is facilitated by using a
                                                              the largest being 10.5 × 8 × 5 cm. In our study the histo-
          30-degree viewing laparoscope. The left adrenal gland is
                                                              pathological examination of the specimen’s revealed 5 cases
          approached by a similar transperitoneal procedure in the
                                                              of adrenal adenomas. Two patients had pheochromocytomas
          lateral decubitus position, but here additionally only two
                                                              and 1 patient had an adrenal teratoma. 2 patients were
          more ports are placed. After the splenic flexure has been
                                                              diagnosed to have adrenal lipomas as listed in the Table 1.
          incised and the colon reflected inferiorly, the spleen is
                                                                 The mean operative time for laparoscopic adrenalec-
          mobilized by dividing the peritoneum posterior to the spleen
                                                              tomies was 3 hours and 45 minutes. Blood loss ranged from
          completely and by dividing the phrenolienal ligament.  The
                                                              50 to 500 ml. None of the patients required blood
          weight of the spleen causes it to fall forward, facilitating
                                                              transfusion. Complications were seen in 3 patients, 2 patients
          the exposure so that the spleen does not need to be retracted
                                                              developed chest infection and 1 developed a port site hernia.
          by instruments. Dissection of the tissue surrounding the
                                                              No other complications were encountered.
          posterior surface of the tail of the pancreas helps define the
                                                                 The hospital stay ranged from 1 to 5 days with a mean
          anterior border of the left adrenal gland. The dissection
                                                              of 2.5 days. Postoperative narcotic requirement was
          continues in the posterior and inferior fibrofatty tissue
                                                              significantly low in our study.
          between the adrenal and kidney and proceeds anteriorly in
          an attempt to locate the left adrenal vein. When this is
          identified, it is doubly clipped and divided. The fibrofatty
          tissue on the superior, posterior, and medial aspects of the  Classically, adrenalectomy for a benign disease has been
          adrenal gland is divided using electrocautery and metal clips  performed by a retroperitoneal posterior or transperitoneal
          and the adrenal is removed.                         anterior approach. Gagner et al in 1992 described a
             Data were collected in a retrospective fashion in all  method for removal of benign adrenal tumors through a
          patients by review of the medical records, including the  laparoscopic approach. 10
          anesthesia record, pathology report, and operative note. The  The age, gender distribution, functional status, of the
          operative time was defined as the time of the initial skin  tumor, tumor characteristics like site and size were consistent

                                     Table 1: Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients
           Patient Age  Gender  Site    Size (cm)  Operative  Blood loss  Pathology       Hospital  Complications
                  (yrs)                            time (mins)  (ml)                       stay
              1   29   Female   Left    3 × 2.5 × 1   210       500     Pheochromocytoma    5     Nil
              2   23   Male     Left    10.5 × 8 × 5  180       250     Adrenal adenoma     2     Nil
              3   46   Female   Right   8.5 × 5 × 2   150       100     Lipoma              2     Nil
              4   25   Female   Left    1.5 × 1.5 × 1.2  155     50     Adrenal adenoma     1     Nil
              5   60   Female   Left    5 × 3 × 2.5   300       250     Pheochromocytoma    3     Chest infection
              6   62   Female   Left    4 × 2 × 1     225       500     Adrenal adenoma     5     Chest infection
              7   56   Female   Right   9 × 7.5 × 2.5  275      400     Lipoma              2     Port site hernia
              8   29   Female   Right   7 × 6.7 × 3   220       100     Mature cystic teratoma  1  Nil
              9   43   Female   Right   2.3 × 1.2 × 1.2  200    100     Adrenal adenoma     3     Nil
             10   64   Male     Left    8 × 5 × 2     180        50     Adrenal adenoma     1     Nil

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2013;6(3):138-140                      139
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