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Youssef A Andraos et al

             marks. Then, the mid-distance from the greater curvature  STATISTIcAl ANAlYSIS
             on the posterior gastric wall is taken. The greater curva-  All statistical analysis was performed with the use of SPSS
             ture is also charged. Subsequently, the anterior gastric   software, version 17.0. A descriptive approach is used
             wall is symmetrically loaded and sutured to the posterior   for all variables. The main variable is the percentage of
             bites. Finally, the knot is made. This method of stitching   EWL at different periods after surgery (1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and
             will not leave a dead gastrogastric space in which fluid   24 months). Statistical analysis is done by using different
             and seroma can accumulate leading to complete gastric   statistical tests for categorical and continuous variables
             compression and obstruction (so-called compartment   (chi-square test, student test…) in the overall group and
             syndrome).                                       in different subgroups by BMI, and types of sutures. The
          4.  The second row of stitches (Figs 9A to C) consists of con ti -   p-values were two-sided, with an α value of 0.05 considered
             nuous nonabsorbable stitches 3 to 5 mm apart. It starts   as statistically significant.
             from the HIS angle and stops 3 cm from the pylorus.
             Leak and patent lumen tests were performed in all cases   ReSulTS
          with 50 to 60 ml of diluted methylene blue. No drain is
          placed at the end of the operation.                 General characteristics
                                                              Surgery Characteristics
          Postoperative Treatment and Follow-up
                                                              Out of the 449 patients undergoing LGCP and over a period
          At postoperative day 1, patients were given gastrografin  of 26 months, 395 (88.0%) were followed over a period of
          meal (Fig. 10). If no obstruction or leak was noticed, the  1 month, 357 (79.5%) over a period of 3 months, 318
          patients were discharged from the hospital at day 2. The  (70.8%) over a period of 6 months, 243 (54.1%) over a period
          patient was discharged from hospital with a prescription  of 12 months, 116 (25.8%) over a period of 18 months, and
          of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) twice a day for 6 months  21 (4.7%) over a period of 24 months.
          to decrease gastric acidity, esogastric reflux and to prevent  •  Surgery was done in 448 patients by laparoscopy, and
          suture rupture by acid erosion which can lead to early   in 1 patient by open surgery.
          gastric expansion.                                  •  Mean operative time was 65 minutes.

           A                                                 B

                 Figs 9A to C: (A) Anterior lower gastric view, (B) upper gastric view—plicated fundus and (C) posterior gastric view
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13