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                                          Gastric Plication as a New Stand-Alone Procedure for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity
          OriginaL articLe

          Gastric Plication as a New Stand-Alone Procedure for

          the Treatment of Morbid Obesity

          1 Youssef A Andraos,  Dany Ziade,  Rana Achkouty,  Therese Youssef Andraos
          AbSTRAcT                                            Source of support: Nil

          Purpose: Gastric plication of the greater curvature is spreading   Conflict of interest: None
          over all the bariatric centers as a new investigational procedure
          for the treatment of morbid obesity. Conventional bariatric   INTRODucTION
          surgeries ‘gastric band’,‘sleeve gastrectomy’,‘vertical banding
          gastroplasty’ and ‘gastric bypass’ are associated with severe  Gastric plication of the greater curvature achieves weight
          complications and a high rate of failure or weight regain.    loss by reducing gastric volume by 80 to 90%  (Figs 1A
          Materials and methods: Authors present their experience on   and B).
          482 laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP) performed                                   3-7
          over a period of 26 months. A total of 449 patients responded      Gastric restriction is performed laparoscopically  by
          to inclusion criteria:147 men and 302 women. Their mean age   suturing the infolded greater curvature of the gastric wall
          was 35.99 ± 10.85 years. Their mean body mass index (BMI)  (Figs 2A and B). Conventional bariatric surgeries, such
          was equal to 39.93 ± 6.15 kg/m .                    as ‘gastric band’, ‘sleeve gastrectomy’, ‘vertical banding
          Results: The  average  percentage of excess weight loss   gastroplasty’ and ‘gastric bypass’ are associated with severe
          (%EWL) at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months was 30.19, 47.07,   complications and a high rate of failure or weight regain. 8-18
          63.05, 68.15, 68.62 and 69.29% respectively. Moreover, this
          study was divided into two subgroups and results were studied   Published short-term and midterm data on gastric plication
          based on the type of suturing and patient’s BMI over a period of
          1 year. The first subgroup included 183 patients, where gastric
          plication was performed with continuous suturing at the first
          and second row. The second subgroup included 186 patients,
          where gastric plication was performed with separated stitches
          at the first row and continuous suturing at the second row. In
          the second subgroup, a higher degree of %EWL was found.
          The complication rate was greater in the first subgroup.The
          overall rate of immediate surgical complications was 1.33%.
          Mean hospital stay was 36 hours.
          Conclusion: Gastric plication is safe and efficient on EWL
          based on short-term results. Separated suturing is associated
          with a higher %EWL and a lower rate of complications, with a
          short hospital stay. Long-term data are needed to consolidate
          these results.
          Keywords: Obesity, Overweight, BMI, %EWL, Gastric plication,   A
          Bariatric surgery, LGCP.
          How to cite this article: Andraos YA, Ziade D, Achkouty R, Andraos
          TY. Gastric Plication as a New Stand-Alone Procedure for the
          Treatment of Morbid Obesity. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(2):49-59.

            1,2 Chief,  Anesthesiologist,  Medical Student
            1 Department of General Surgery, Abou Jaoude Hospital, Beirut
            2,3 Department of Anesthesiology (Bariatric Unit), Abou Jaoude
            Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon

            4 Department of Medicine,American University of Beirut, Beirut
            Corresponding  Author:  Youssef  A  Andraos,  Chief
            Depart ment of General Surgery, Abou Jaoude Hospital, Beirut   Figs 1A and B: (A) Gastric capacity reduction by folding the gastric
            Lebanon-60144, Phone: +961-3-250811, e-mail: yaandraos@  greater curvature inward and (B) gastric capacity evaluation in a
                                         normal and obese person  before and after LGCP as measured by
                                                              peroperative gastric filling
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2014;7(2):49-59                                 49
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