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Youssef A Andraos et al

                                    Table 1: Follow-up on % EWL over 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months
                                                                                   Average % EWL ±
           Time (months)   Number of patients (N)  Minimum %EWL  Maximum %EWL      standard deviation   p-value
           1               395                  12.05           77.78              30.19 ± 10.6         < 0.001 *
           3               357                  19.48           121.43             47.07 ± 15.0         < 0.001 *
           6               318                  19.48           140.00             63.05 ± 20.0         0.003 *
           12              243                  20.45           142.86             68.15 ± 19.4         0.84
           18              116                  20.45           142.86             68.62 ± 22.1         0.90
           24              21                   39.06           104.65             69.29 ± 20.5
             *Statistically significant

                     Table 2: Follow-up on % EWL over 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months in patients with BMI between 30 and 45
                                                Minimum         Maximum            Average % EWL ±
           Time (months)   Number of patients (N)  % EWL        % EWL              standard deviation   p-value
           1               327                  14.29           77.78              31.98 ± 10.6
           3               295                  22.22           121.43             49.57 ± 14.9         < 0.001 *
           6               261                  20.45           140.00             66.17 ± 20.2         < 0.001 *
           12              194                  20.45           142.86             70.82 ± 19.9         0.02 *
           18              93                   20.45           142.86             72.12 ± 22.9         0.63
           24              17                   39.06           104.65             73.90 ± 20.0         0.76
           *Statistically significant

                           Table 3: Follow-up on % EWL over 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months in patients with BMI > 45
                                                Minimum          Maximum           Average % EWL ±
           Time (months)   Number of patients (N)  % EWL         % EWL             standard deviation   p-value
           1               68                   12.05            36.29             21.56 ± 5.1
           3               62                   19.48            57.14             35.15 ± 8.1          < 0.001 *
           6               57                   19.48            75.00             48.79 ± 10.8         < 0.001 *
           12              49                   35.82            90.91             57.47 ± 12.7         < 0.001 *
           18              23                   38.10            76.32             54.47 ± 10.3         0.33
           24              4                    44.05            54.05             49.69 ± 4.4          0.37
           *Statistically significant
          subgroups. The first subgroup includes 183 patients from   degrees of EWL in this subgroup. However, a strong trend
          May 15, 2011 till February 27, 2012, with a follow-up of   to a significant increase to 80.77% is noted at 12 months
          18 months. The first and second row of the plication were   (p = 0.07); a statistical significance is mostly not reached
          performed with continuous suturing using nonabsorbable   because of the relative small number of patients followed
          stitches. The second subgroup consists of 186 patients from   up to this period (only 20 patients).
          February 28, 2012 till February 4, 2013, with a follow-up
          of 12 months. The first row was made with separated suturing   Comparison between the Two Types of Sutures
          stitches over a 36 French calibration tube with anterior   By a comparison between the subgroups by the type of
          and posterior marks. The second row was performed with   sutures, a significant difference is noted in EWL between
          continuous suturing.                                the two subgroups (continuous and separated suturing) at
                                                              the different periods, with higher degrees of EWL in the
          Analysis by Type of Sutures
                                                              separated suturing subgroup. In fact, a lower percentage
          In the continuous suturing subgroup (Table 4), similar    of EWL is seen in the subgroup of continuous suturing,
          results were noted as in the overall group. A significant   and a higher percentage in the subgroup of separated sutu-
          EWL is noted until 12 months after the surgery, with a peak   ring (Graph 2). However, no comparison is done at 18 months
          of EWL during the first 6 months after surgery (p < 0.001).   because, up to this date, there are no patients in the sepa-
          However, the nonsignificant changes (66.42%) noted at     rated suturing subgroup who reached this period after
          18 months (p = 0.92) are mostly due to a plateau phase   surgery.
          reached by 1 year postsurgery.                         By a comparison between the subgroups of type of
             Moreover, in the separated suturing subgroup (Table 5),   sutures, and only including the patients with a BMI > 45,
          similar results to that in the overall group and the continu-  a significant difference in EWL is noted between the two
          ous suturing subgroup were noted, with obviously higher   subgroups (continuous and separated suturing) at the

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