Page 18 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 18

MA Bahram

                                  Table 3: operative finding of laparoscopic appendectomy in all patients
                                                                                    No.              Percentage
                                                          Acute appendicitis        456
                                                          Gangernous appendicitis   25
                           Appendiceal pathology (no. = 504)  Perforated appendicitis  2             87.9
                                                          Appendiceal abscess       12
                                                          Appendicular mass         9
                           No pathology detected (no. = 38)  Normal appendix        38               6.7
                                                          Inflamed Mickle’s diverticulum  4
           Pathology detected
                                                          Inflamed cecal diverticulum  3
                                                          Inflamed sigmoid diverticulum  1
                                                          omental infarction        4
                           Nonappendiceal pathology (no. = 31)  Ileoceal TB         1                5.4
                                                          Chron’s disease           1
                                                          Complicated ovarian cyst  16
                                                          Perforated gallbladder    1
                                                          Total number              31
           Conversion to open procedure                                             11               1.9
           operative time  range                                                    25­150 minutes
                           Mean ± SD                                                42 ± 17.54 minutes

                     Table 4: Postoperative complications     2014 who recorded 52 minute for­LA,­Saeed­Kargar­et­al,
                                           No.    Percentage  2010, who recorded 34.4 minute and Ioannis at,  2008,
                                  range    0.5­10             who recorded 47 minute. The following studies 8,9,11­13
                                           days               recorded­that­statistically­there­is­no­significant­difference­
           Hospital stay
                                  Mean ±   1 ± 0.21           between­LA­and­OA.­This­was­attributed to the world­
                                  SD       days
           Post­                  Surgical   2    2.8         wide spread of training in laparoscopic techniques that
           operative              incision                    lead­to­a­significant­reduction­in­difference­of­operative­
           infection                                          time compared to open procedures.
                    Wound infection
                                  Drain site 9                   The infection complications had occurred in 16 patients
                                  extraction  4               (2.8%), most of them were patients with complicated
                                  port site
                    Intra­abdominal abscess  1                appendicitis (12 from 16 patients: 75%).   14
                    Readmission            1                  ­  Kehagias­et­al,­2008  and Tsai et al, 2012,  who
           Total                           16                 evaluated­LA­in­all­stages­of­appendiceal­inflammation,­
                                                              had recor ded wound infection rate of 5.3% and 4.7 respec­
          developed IAA after 3 weeks and readmitted again   tively but both of them recorded lower rate of wound
          for open drainage of the abscess and the same patient  infection­in­LA­in­comparison­to­OA.­Moreover,­Ohtani­
          developed wound infection. The mean hospital stay in  et al 2012,  recorded 1.6% rate of wound infection in
          this study was 1 ± 0.21 days (Table 4).             LA­that­was­significantly lower than OA. This can be
          dISCuSSIon                                          prevents the direct contact between the infected appendix

          Laparoscopic­appendectomy­has­become­the­approach­of­  and the wound during its removal. 13,15
          choice by many surgeons in the treatment of both simple      Intra­abdominal abscess is a serious complication
          and complicated cases of acute appendicitis. The rate of  following appendectomy and can potentially be life­
          LA­between­1998­and­2008­has­significantly­increased­ threatening; many investigators pay close attention to
          from­20.6­to­70.8%.­A­definite­diagnosis­was­obtained­in­ this­complication­and­still­there­is­no­definite­conclusion­
          96%­during­LA­compared­with­72%­in­OA. 8            about this complication.
          ­  Despite­the­obvious­advantages­of­LA­described­in­    Old studies done by some authors reported that the
          many studies, 8­10 ­LA­still­remains­a­matter­of­debate­ incidence­of­IAA­was­higher­with­LA. 16­21  It had been

          because of concerns about possible longer operative time  suggested­that­carbon­dioxide­insufflation­may­promote­
          and higher rate of postoperative IAA compared to OA.   mechanical spread of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity,
             In this study, the mean operative time was 42 ±  especially in cases of ruptured appendix, also improper

          17.5 minute. throughout the study and it is comparable  laparoscopic technique, such as aggressive manipulation
          to the time recorded in study done by Minutolo et al,   of the infected appendix and increased use of irrigation
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23