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                             Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Is it the Gold Standard Approach for Management of Acute Appendicitis?
          fluid,­possibly­producing­greater­contamination­of­the­ especially if the conversion was due to improper surgical
          peritoneal cavity, might have an impact on IAA formation  laparoscopic technique.
          after­LA. 19                                           The conversion rate in this study was in 11 (1.9%) of
             However, recent meta­analysis of randomized con­  patients and the main cause of conversion was due to non
          trolled trail published by Wei et al, 2011,  shows a low  appendiceal pathology detected (9 from 11) and the other
          incidence of intra­abdominal infections, with no signi­  two­patients­were­due­to­appendiceal­inflammation.­This­
          ficant­difference­between­LA­and­OA.­A­multivariate­ rate of conversion is nearly equal to the result recorded by
          analysis has shown that development of abscesses has a  Minutolo et al, 2014,  who recorded a rate of conversion
          higher correlation with the initial diagnosis rather than  1.4% (2 from 139 patients).
          with the type of surgical approach. 6,14               Higher conversion rate may be due to gaining experi­
             Intra­abdominal abscess had occurred in one patient  ences with the laparoscopic procedure so surgeons might
          (0.02) in this study. This is comparable to the result   attempt­to­perform­LA­for­complicated­cases­of­appendi­
          recorded by Ching et al,  2012 who did not record cases  citis, most of which might have been treated previously
          with IAA and Brümmer et al,  2009, who recorded rate  by open approach. 13
          of­IAA­with­LA­0.31%­of­their­patients.­Katkhouda­et­al­ ­  Another­advantage­of­LA­is­shorter­hospital­stay,­
          (2000)  and Vincenzo Minutolo et al,  2014, believed that  in this study; the mean hospital stay was 1 ± 0.21 days.
          mastery of the learning curve and the use of standar dized  This differs from the results recorded by Minutolo et al,
          surgical techniques reduced­the­incidence­of­IAA­after­LA.­ 2014 ­who­recorded­mean­hospital­stay­in­LA­2.75­days­
          ­  Laparoscopy­can­be­considered­the­first­choice­in­ and­also­Ioannis­et­al,­2008,­recorded­hospital­stay­for­LA­
          suspected appendicitis allowing correct evaluation of  2.2 days but both of them stated that there was a signi­
          intra­peritoneal pathology. 6,15,24,25              ficant­difference­between­both­LA­and­OP­regarding­
             The correct pathology was detected in 535 or 93.3% of  hospital stay.
          the patients, while another pathology rather than acute
          appendicitis was detected in 31 or 5.4% of the patients.  ConCLuSIon
          From­those­31­patients,­27­patients­gained­extra­benefit   Laparoscopic­appendectomy­is­safe­with­accepted­post­
          from laparoscopic approach: eight patients avoided    operative morbidity. Most cases of acute appendicitis can
          undiagnosed pathology, 15 patients avoided wound    be­treated­laparoscopically.­LA­is­an­accurate­method­
          extensions and excess tissue manipulation for pathology   in diagnosing abdominal pathology other than acute
          management and four patients avoided adding another   appendicitis, avoiding patients the drawbacks of undiag­
          surgical incision to McBurney incision (Table 5).   nosed or misdiagnosed pathology that mimic acute
             The results in this study concedes with the results   appendicitis. With better training in laparoscopic surgery
          in the study conducted by Ma et al,  from 271 patients   and­availability­of­equipment:­LA­will­be­sooner­the­gold­
          with a normal appendix, extra­appendiceal pathology   standard for acute appendicitis.
          was found in 71 (4.8% of all appendectomies).
          ­  Conversion­from­LA­to­OA­is­one­of­the­drawbacks­  RefeRenCeS
          of laparoscopic approach as it prolongs the operative
          time, hospital stay and may even increase the morbidity     1.  Purysko AS,­Remer­EM,­LeãoFilho­HM,­Bittencourt­LK,­
                                                                  uncommon gastrointestinal causes of right lower quadrant
              Table 5: benefits of laparoscopic approach in detecting
                         nonappendiceal pathology                 abdominal pain at multi­detector CT1. Radio Graphics 2011;
           Patients avoided   Sigmoid diverticulitis 1        ­ 2.­ Casciola­L,­Ceccarelli­G,­Bartoli­A,­D’Ajello­F,­Bellochi­R,­
           misdiagnosis                                           Valeri­R,­Rambotti­M,­Spaziani­A,­Mazzoli­W,­DiZitti­L.­
                             omental infarction  3                Laparoscopic­approach­versus­laparotomy­for­suspected­
                             Left ovarian cyst  4                 acute appendicitis. G Chir 2002;23:440­444.
           Patients avoided   Ovarian cyst    12              ­ 3.­ Jaunoo­SS,­Hale­AL,­Masters­JPM,­Jaunoo­SR.­An­international­
           extension of                                           survey of opinion regarding investigation of possible appen­
           McBurney incision                         4.7%         dicitis and laparoscopic management of a macroscopically
                             Ileo­cecal disease  3                normal appendix. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2012;94:476­480.
           Patients avoided shift   Perforated GB  1            4.  Navez B, Therasse A. Should every patient undergoing
           to another incision                                    laparoscopy for clinical diagnosis of appendicitis have an
                             Ileo­ceal TB     1                   appendicectomy?­Acta­Chir­Belg­2003;103:87-89.
                             Cecal diverticulum  2            ­ 5.­ Semm­K.­Endoscopic­appendectomy.­Endoscopy­1983;15:
           Total                              27                  59­64.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):116-120                      119
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