Page 13 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                                           Our Experience in Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe

                         Fig. 5: Appendix picked                   Fig. 6: Ligation of the appendix after cauterization
                                                                              of the mesoappendix

                                                                               Table 1: Summary
                                                                    Age      Operative  Recovery  Pain   Hospital
                                                                    in       time in   time in   perception  stay in
                                                              S. no. years  Sex  minutes  minutes  (VAS)  hours
                                                                1.  27   M   45       180      2        19
                                                                2.  19   F   31       180      2        18
                                                                3.  18   F   42       210      3        22
                                                                4.  22   M   33       150      3        19
                                                                5.  29   F   35       150      3        22
                                                                6.  18   F   35       180      2        26
                                                                7.  18   F   28       180      3        23
                                                                8.  19   F   30       240      2        22
                                                                9.  27   F   32       180      3        22
                                                               10.  20   F   28       180      2        23
                                                               11.  28   M   30       150      3        22
                           Fig. 7: Port closure
                                                               12.  19   F   32       180      3        23
                                                               13.  24   M   38       190      2        24
                                                               14.  26   M   33       180      3        23
                                                               15.  34   F   36       150      2        25
                                                               16.  17   M   32       180      3        19
                                                               17.  29   F   40       180      2        20
                                                               18.  21   M   36       210      3        23
                                                               19.  37   F   38       180      3        24
                                                               20.  22   M   30       190      2        23
                                                              Mean  23.7     34.2     181      2.55     22.1

                                                                 Our experiences correspond with other work  done
                                                              in south east of Nigeria1 and reports from Kenya
                                                              where Patel et al reported a 106 case series of laparo -
                                                              scopic appendectomy over a 6-year period from 1996 to
                                                              2002.  Our mean operative time is 34.2 minutes. The
                      Fig. 8: Five days after operation
                                                              pain experienced was mild (2.55 on average) based  on
          general surgeon who pioneered the act in our unit.  visual analogue scale and that is a great advantage  of the

          Appendicectomies, though hand-assisted were done and  laparoscopic appendicectomy. The average hospital stay
          cholecystectomy. Now, have a surgeon that had a basic  postoperatively was 22 hours so early discharged and
          training in minimal access surgery and doing most of  patient’s satisfactory remarks are the hallmark of our joy
          the surgeries with good outcome.                    and experience (Tables 1 to 5 and Graph 1).

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2014;7(3):111-115                      113
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