Page 16 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          MA Bahram                                                             10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1230
          OriginaL articLe

          Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Is it the Gold Standard

          Approach for Management of Acute Appendicitis?

          MA Bahram

          ABSTRACT                                            InTRoduCTIon
          Aim: evaluation of laparoscopic approach for management of   Right lower abdominal pain is one of the most common
          patients with confirmed or suspected acute appendicitis.   causes of patients visit to the emergency department.
          Background: Although appendicitis is the most common con-
          dition requiring surgery in patients with right lower abdominal   Although appendicitis is the most common condition
          pain, this pain can be indicative of a vast list of differential  requiring surgery in those patients, this pain can be
          diagnoses and is thus a challenge for clinicians. A definite diag­  indicative of a vast list of differential diagnoses and is
          nosis is obtained in 96% of patients undergoing laparoscopic
          appendectomy (LA) compared with 72% of those undergoing   thus a challenge for clinicians. Other causes of right
          open procedures so patients can avoid the disadvantages of  lower quadrant pain aside from appendicitis include
          misdiagnosis beside other benefits of LA.           infla­mmatory­and­infectious­conditions­involving­the­
          Study design: A prospective outcome analysis was done  ileocecal region, diverticulitis, malignancies, condi­
          for 573 patients over the last 6 years, from 2008 to 2013. All   tions affecting the epiploic appendages, omentum, and
          patients were planned to go for LA. Modified Alvarado scoring
          system was used as a guide in diagnosing all patients. The   mesentery. 1
          following were recorded: operative time, conversion to open     The differential diagnosis of most of those patients is
          procedure, intraoperative findings, infection complications and   based on clinical ground, laboratory data and diagnostic
          length of hospital stay.
                                                              imaging. The problem, however, is to obtain a correct
          Results: The mean operative time in this study was 42 ± 17.54
          minutes. Nonappendiceal pathology was found in 31 patients   diagnosis even in sure cases, to determine surgical indi­
          (5.4%). Conversion to open procedure was done in 11 patients  cations and to decide the best surgical approach. 2
          (1.9%). The accurate pathology was detected in 535 (93.3%)       During open appendectomy (OA) when the appendix
          patients. The infection complications had occurred in 16 patients
          (2.6% of all patients). The mean hospital stay in this study was   looks apparently normal, the exact diagnosis of abdo­
          1 ± 0.21 days.                                      minal pain may not be reached and the management of
          Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy is safe and can  these patients represents a dilemma for the surgeon and
          provide less postoperative morbidity, accurate method in diag­  so­far,­no­guidelines­are­available­in­this­field.  Also if the
          nosing abdominal pathology other than acute appendicitis, and
          drawbacks of undiagnosed or misdiagnosed pathology that   cause cannot be managed through ordinary McBurney’s
          mimic acute appendicitis can be avoided.            incision, it is imperative to shift to another incision for
          Keywords: appendicitis, Laparoscopy, right lower abdominal  management of the surgical problem. 4
          pain.                                                  McBurney’s procedure represented the gold­standard
          Abbreviations: OA: open appendectomy; LA: Laparoscopic  for acute appendicitis until 1981, when Semm, 1993,
          appendectomy; CT: Computed tomography; ECG: electrocardio­   performed­the­first­laparoscopic­appendectomy­(LA)­
          graphy; SPSS: Statistical package for the social sciences; DM:
          Diabetic mellitus; HCV: Hepatitis C virus; IAA: Intra­abdominal   in­ Germany.­ The­ number­ of­ LA­ has­ progressively­
          abscess.                                            increased.­But­is­LA­the­best­choice­for­appendectomy?­
          How to cite this article: Bahram MA. Laparoscopic Appendec-  Are there selected groups of patients in which laparoscopic
          tomy: Is it the Gold Standard Approach for Management of Acute   approach­should­be­preferred? 6
          Appendicitis? World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):116­120.
                                                                 The aim of this study is to evaluate the laparoscopic
          Source of support: Nil
          Conflict of interest: None                          suspected acute appendicitis.

                                                              PATIenTS And MeThodS
            Assistant Professor
                                                              This prospective study was conducted over the last
            Department of General Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Laparo ­
            s copic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt  6 years, from 2008 to 2013. Five hundred and seventy­
            Corresponding Author:  MA  Bahram,  Assistant  Professor   three patients were included in this study. Patients
            Department of General Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic   presented with acute right lower abdominal pain either
            Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt, Phone:   suspected­or­confirmed­acute­appendicitis­were­included­
            00971551095027, e­mail:
                                                              in the study (total 573 patients).
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