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                                                       Surgical Approaches for Rectal Prolapse and their Comparative Study
                                         Table 1: Abdominal procedures for rectal prolapse
           Type of procedure            Operation technique
           Suture rectopexy (Sudeck)    Complete rectal mobilization to level of levators
                                        Suture of rectum to presacral fasica
           Anterior sling rectopexy     Complete rectal mobilization to level of levators circular wrapping of mesh around rectum and
           (Ripstein)                   attachment to the promontory
           Lateral mesh rectopexy       Anterior + posterior complete rectal mobilization fixation by two lateral mesh strips to
           (Orr-Loygue)                 promontory
           Ventral mesh rectopexy (D’Hoore)  Strictly anterior rectal dissection to level of levators
                                        Fixation of mesh strip on distal rectum and to promontory
           Posterior mesh rectopexy (Wells)  Complete rectal mobilization to level of levators
                                        Semicircular mesh around rectum posterior, fixation to promontory
           Resection rectopexy          Complete rectal mobilization to level of levators sigmoid resection and suture fixation of
           (Frykman-Goldberg)           rectum to promontory
           Rectal mobilization without rectopexy Complete rectal mobilization to level of levators no fixation

          RECTOPEXY                                           POSTERIOR MESH RECTOPEXY (WELLS)

          The fixation of the rectum to the sacrum is supposed   After a complete mobilization of the rectum a mesh is
          to restore the physiological position of the rectum, and   placed around the posterior circumference of the rectum
          thereby also correct the descensus of the pelvic floor   (2/3), and then fixed to the promontory. The ventral third
          either by simple stitching, stapling or by meshes.  of the rectal circumference is spared to avoid fibrosis and
                                                              stenosis by shrinking of the mesh.
          SUTURE RECTOPEXY (SUDECK) (1922)
                                                              VENTRAL MESH RECTOPEXY (D’HOORE) (2004)
          The operation includes a complete mobilization of the   It’s a novel, autonomic nerve-sparing rectopexy tech-
          rectum down to the level of the levators. The rectum is   nique. The dissection in this operation is strictly ventral
          then attached to the promontory by suture or staples. The   in the rectovaginal space down to the pelvic floor without
          dorsal mobilization induces fibrosis which helps to fixate   lateral or dorsal mobilization. The rectum is attached to
          and hold the rectum in place. 9
                                                              the sacrum by a mesh which is sutured to the anterior
                                                              side of the rectum. The ventral dissection and position
                                                              of the mesh has several advantages:
          A mesh or graft is used to achieve a broader fixation  •  A supra-anal rectocele can be corrected
          and induce more fibrosis. Used materials include fascia  •  The rectovaginal septum is reinforced which prevents
          lata, synthetic meshes and bio-meshes.  The mesh can   an anterior recto-rectal intussusception which may
          be placed anteriorly, posteriorly, laterally or around    be one of the relevant mechanisms to a full rectal
          the rectum.                                            prolapse
                                                              •  A colpopexy is performed. The avoidance of any
          ANTERIOR MESH RECTOPEXY                                lateral or posterior mobilization preserves the auto-
          (RIPSTEIN SLING RECTOPEXY) (1952)                      nomic nerves. 13
                                                                 Although laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (LVR) is a
          After complete mobilization of the rectum a graft cons-  comparably new method it was rapidly adopted and up
          tructed out of the fascia lata was wrapped around the   to now, more than 30 retro- and prospective series have
          rectum and sutured to the promontory. Later instead of   reported outcome and postoperative function. Two sys-
          a fascia lata graft, synthetic meshes are used.     tematic reviews have summarized the data.
             There is only one case report on this procedure using   Indications for the procedures were intussusception
          a laparoscopic approach which found a good clinical   as well as overt rectal prolapse, rectocele, obstructive
          outcome (no morbidity, no recurrence). 11           defecation syndrome (ODS) and vaginal vault prolapse.

          In this procedure, the rectum is completely mobilized
          anteriorly and posteriorly. Two mesh strips are sutured  A sigmoid resection is combined with a rectopexy, mostly
          laterally to the rectum on both sides. The mesh strips are  a sutured rectopexy. The resection results in the following
          then sutured under tension to the promontory. 12    morphologic changes:

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):90-95                         91
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