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                                                   Pregnancy Outcomes following Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Myomectomy

                     Table 1: Pregnancy outcomes following robot-assisted myomectomy identified through various searches
                                            Mean  Mean size  Entry into  No. of  Mean time  SAB
                                       Mean  no. of  of largest  endome-  preg- to preg-  < 20   Live   Live  C-  Uterine
          First author          No. of   age   myo-  myoma   trial cavity  nan-  nancy   weeks  preterm  term  section  rupture
          (year)                patients (yrs) mas  (cm)   (%)     cies  (months)  (%)  (%)   (%)  (%)   (%)
          Robotic surgery
          Pritts et al (2013) 31  107  34.8  3.9  7.5      20.6    127   13.9     18.9  12.6  59.8 95.7  1.1
          Lönnerfors et al  (2011)  31  35  1     7        NR      18    10       16.7  0     55.6 50    0
          Laparoscopic surgery
          Liu et al (2010 and 2011) 18,19  83  32  NR  5.9  10.8   18    NR       11.1  44.4  44.4 NR    NR
          Malzoni et al (2003 and   350  34.3  2.5  6.3    NR      59    NR       13.6  5.1   81.4 55.9  0
          2010) 22,23
          Kumakiri et al (2008) 15  111  NR  3.5  6.6      11.7    111   NR       NR   NR     NR   46.8  NR
          Palomba et al (2006) 27  68  28   1     7.6      NR      36    5        11.1  2.8   86.1 71.9  0
          Sizzi et al (2007) 40  2050  36.1  2.3  6.4      NR      386   NR       19.9  2.3   77.7 78    0.3
          Paul et al (2006) 29  115    30   1     5        7.8     141   8.9      19.9  2.1   73   82.1  0
          Seracchioli et al (2003 and  127  33.7  2.6  5.4  3.9    158   17.9     27.2  1.3   65.8 74.5  0
          2006) 38,39
          Kumakiri et al (2005) 14  40  34.5  3.2  6.8     5       47    13       23.9  2.2   67.4 40.6  0
          Campo et al (2003) 8  68     34.3  2.9  4.4      NR      14    NR       7.1  0      92.9 30.8  0
          Soriano et al (2003) 41  88  36.1  1.7  6.2      0       44    7.5      13.6  0     77.3 23.5  0
           NR: No result; C-section: Cesarean section; No: Number

          abdominopelvic surgery. Ten myomas were removed  28% shown by Lonnerfors and Persson (2011)  in their
          weighing 256 gm, with the largest 10 cm in diameter  prospective study of pregnancy in 31 women following
          on the anterior surface of the uterus. The endometrial  robotic surgery for deep intramural myomas: results
          cavity was not entered. Hysterotomies were performed  in the latter report also indicated that all miscarriages
          using a monopolar electrosurgical instrument, and a  occurred in pregnancies resulting from IVF. In contrast,
          multilayered closure was performed. The uterine rupture  the data show that miscarriages up to 20 weeks were
          occurred on the posterior fundal aspect of the uterus at   about evenly divided among those who conceived spon­
          33 weeks of gestation during precipitous labor. In addition,  taneously and those who used ART. Myoma number
          one uterine dehiscence was noted at the time of delivery  and anterior location were significantly associated with
          as an incidental finding and occurred in a patient with no  preterm delivery up to 35 weeks of gestational age, even
          remarkable surgical history or myoma characteristics. In  after adjustment for other risk factors for preterm deli­
          the series, 34% of myomectomies were performed using  very. The published myomectomy literature has limited
          monopolar electrosurgical energy. The rate of uterine  comparable data but Roemisch et al (1996)  reported
          rupture in this study is consistent with data reported for  that women who delivered at term had significantly
          laparoscopic and open myomectomy, and lower than the  fewer myomas than the group of women who deli­
          estimated risk of uterine rupture after a classical cesarean  vered preterm, miscarried or had ectopic pregnancies.
          section. 12,43,44  In a recent review of risk factors for uterine  Given that this population often desires fertility and that
          rupture after laparoscopic myomectomy, Parker et al  adhesions are known to cause infertility,  it is an advan­
          (2010)  identified minimizing the use of electrosurgery  tageous finding that the risk of adhesions may be lower
          and performing multilayered closures as techniques  than has been reported in both abdominal myomectomy
          that could decrease the risk of rupture. An advantage of  and laparoscopic myomectomy patients. 16,32,33,47  Since
          RALM is the ability to perform an identical multilayer  adhesion formation following myomectomy may reduce
          closure to the abdominal approach that controls hemos­  fertility, formal second­look laparoscopic studies in
          tasis without the need for significant use of electrosur­  non­pregnant women following RALM may be needed
          gical instruments. Owing to the risks of electrosurgery,  for a more definitive measure of postoperative adhesion
          ultrasonic energy can be utilized with the robot to per­  formation. A limitation of our study is the inability to
          form the hysterotomy. 45,46  The robotic harmonic shears  generalize these findings to other practices. The use of
          are unable to articulate in a similar manner to all other  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the
          robotic instruments, thus losing 2 of the 7º of freedom  exact location of the myomas removed and also suturing
          in movement. The observed miscarriage rate (19%) was  of the hysterotomy defect in a multilayered fashion help
          in the range of rates reported in the conventional lapa­  to minimize excessive bleeding, which typically results
          roscopic myomectomy literature and was lower than the  in conversions. In addition, the women in these studies
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):85-89                         87
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