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                                                                Efficacy and Safety of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
          to repair the following 24 cases. Meshes were fixed with  the authors in 2,559 patients. The TAPP technique was
          titanium spiral tacks (Protack, Auto Suture, Tyco Health­  performed 1,944 times (60%), the totally preperitoneal
          care). There were no noted intraoperative complications  technique was performed 578 times (18%) and the IPOM
          and no conversion was necessary. There were five minor  repair was performed 345 times (11%). The plug-and-
          postoperative complications (5.5%): Two seromas and  patch technique was used 286 times (9%) while simple

          three transient paresthesias. Analgesics were needed in  closure of the hernia defect without mesh was performed
          four patients (7.1%) after the first 24 hours. Mean hospital stay  76  times  (2%). There  were  a total  336  complications
          was 36 hours with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 48.  (10%): 17 major (0.5%) and 265 minor (8%). A total of 54
          Resumption of normal activity was within a mean of   recurrences (1.6%) were noted, within a mean follow-up
          8 days with return to work in 2 weeks. Three recurrences  of 22 months. The TAPP technique had 19 recurrences
          were recorded (3.3%) within an average of 18 months of  (1%) and 141 (7%) complications including four bowel
          follow­up.                                          obstructions due to herniation of small bowel through
             Fitzgibbons et al  conducted a multicenter trial to   the peritoneal closure and trocar sites. The totally pre­
          determine if laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy repre­   peritoneal technique had no noted recurrences and 60
          sented a viable alternative to the conventional repair   complications (10%). Those who underwent IPOM had
          and to assess whether a prospective randomized con­  seven  recurrences  (2%)  and  47  complications  (14%).
          trolled trial comparing both procedures is warranted.   Patients who underwent the plug­and­patch technique
          Three types of laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphies   had  26  recurrences  (9%)  and  24  complications  (8%).
          TAPP, IPOM and TEP (EXTRA) were studied in a phase   Simple closure of the internal ring had two recurrences
          II design. A total of 21 investigators from 19 institutions   (3%) and 10 complications (13%).
          participated. There were 686 patients with 869 hernias;   Rasim et al  conducted a study to evaluate the inci­
          366 (42.1%) were direct, 414 (47.6%) were indirect, 22 (2.5%)   dence of adhesion formation and the tensile properties of
          were femoral, and 67 (7.7%) were combination hernias.   the various techniques of laparoscopic inguinal hernio r-
          Five hundred and sixty-two hernias underwent TAPP,   rhaphy. The techniques evaluated included laparoscopic
          217 hernias underwent IPOM, and 87 hernias underwent   extraperitoneal mesh repair (EXTRA), TAPP mesh repair
          EXTRA. The overall recurrence rate was 4.5%, with a   and IPOM repair. Young male pigs underwent mesh
          minimum follow­up of 15 months. Complications were   placement using the above techniques and had a follow-
          divided into the following three groups: (1) those related   up for 6 weeks. No trocar site adhesions were observed.
          to laparoscopy, (2) those related to the patient and (3)   In the group that underwent EXTRA technique, no
          those related to the herniorrhaphy. Laparoscopy related   intraperitoneal adhesions were noted. One case of filmy
          complications were noted in 5.4% of patients; there were
          31 cases of bleeding or abdominal wall hematomas with   omental adhesions was noted with the TAPP technique.
          two patients requiring transfusions; there was one case of   Two cases of adhesions were noted with the IPOM tech­
          bowel perforation, which was sutured laparos copically;   nique, one was minimal while the other was a case of
          one bladder injury was managed with open surgery.     dense adhesions to the bladder. Mesh tensile strength was
          Patient complications occurred in 6.7% with 5.8% invol-  compared for the three techniques and measured using a
          ving the urinary tract. Secondary abdominal procedures   tensio meter. Both the EXTRA and TAPP were comparable
          had to be performed on two patients for adhesions, one   and significantly stronger (p < 0.05), with tensiometric
          for pain in the right lower quadrant and the other for   values of 0.69 ± 0.03 and 0.60 ± 0.02 Kg respectively. The
          adhesive small bowel obstruction. The sole mortality   IPOM technique resulted in the weakest tensile strength
          (0.1%) was due to a myocardial infarction on postopera­  of 0.53 ± 0.01 Kg (mean ± SEM).
          tive day 5. Complications related to the herniorrhaphy   Sarli et al  conducted a study to evaluate the safety
          itself were noted in 17.1% of the cases, most of which   and efficacy of two techniques of laparoscopic hernia
          were minor: transient groin pain (3.5%), seroma (3.5%),   repair: the TAPP technique and the IPOM technique.
          transient leg pain (3.3%), hematoma (1.5%), or transient   From May 1992 to October 1994, 115 patients with 148
          cord or testicular problems (0.9%). As surgeons became   hernias were included in the trial, 59 of which under­
          more familiar with the anatomy of the nerve supply to  went TAPP and 56 underwent IPOM. The TAPP took
          the groin when viewed laparoscopically, the incidence of  significantly longer to perform the IPOM. No intra­
          leg pain decreased dramatically. Ninety­three percent of  operative complications, conversions to open repair,
          patients were discharged within 24 hours postoperatively.  nor postoperative deaths were noted in either group.
             A study by Phillips et al  reported on the complica­  There  were  10  postoperative  complications  in  the
          tions of 3,229 laparoscopic hernia repairs performed by  TAPP group (16.9% of patients) and 14 postoperative

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):81-84                         83
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