Page 16 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 16

Michael Angelo L Suñaz
          preperi toneal (TAPP) repair has the advantage of identi­  complete dissection of the preperitoneal space is accom­
          fying missed additional direct or femoral hernia during  plished using instruments placed intra-abdominally via
          the initial operation. 4                            accessory ports. Direct sacs are reduced and indirect sacs
             Phillips and McKernan described the totally extraperi­  are either dissected from the cord structures and reduced
          toneal (TEP) technique of endoscopic hernioplasty. The  or divided circumferentially at the internal ring, leaving
          peritoneal cavity is not breached when performing this  the distal sac in place. These were accomplished during
          technique and the entire dissection is performed bluntly  the course of the preperitoneal dissection. An appropri­
          in the preperitoneal space using a balloon device or the  ately sized prosthetic mesh is placed in the preperitoneal
          tip of the laparoscope itself. This procedure requires  space over the hernia defect, overlapping it widely and is
          an advanced knowledge of the posterioranatomy of the   either slit to accommodate the cord structures or placed
          inguinal region. Upon completion of dissection, a 15 × 10 cm  over them. The mesh is then fixed in place using the
          mesh is stapled in place over the myopectineal orifice. 4  following landmarks: the symphysis pubis medially,
             The mesh is placed in direct contact with the fascia  transversalis fascia above the internal ring superiorly,
          of the transversalis muscle in the preperitoneal space  an arbitrary point approximately 1 cm medial to the
          in both the TAPP and TEP repairs, allowing tissue in  anterior superior iliac spine laterally, the iliopubic tract
          growths which lead to the fixation of the mesh. This is  inferolaterally, and Cooper’s ligament inferomedially
          opposed to the IPOM technique wherein the mesh is   before peritoneal closure over the mesh using either
          merely being brought in contact to the peritoneum and   staples or sutures, thereby preventing the mesh from
          is prone to migrate. 4                              coming in contact with intra-abdominal viscera. 2
             Depending on the type of repair and expertize of the   Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Laparoscopic
          surgeon, recurrence after primary open inguinal herniorr­   Herniorrhaphy
          haphy occurs in approximately 10% of patients. Open
          repair of the recurrence is challenging because of already  Laparoscopic hernia repair wherein the a prosthetic mesh
          weakened tissues and obscured and distorted anatomy  was placed directly onto the peritoneum overlapping the
          leading to a failure rate of as high as 36%. Because of this,  hernia defect widely rather than the preperitoneal space,
          focus has been given on repairing these difficult recurrent  leaving the hernia sac in place. The same landmarks as
          hernias laparoscopically using a tension­free approach.   described with the TAPP procedure were used for fixing
          Some of the earlier reports suggested a low recurrence   the prosthetic mesh in place. 2
          rate of 0.5 to 5% when a laparoscopic approach was used. 3
                                                              Totally Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic
          OBJECTIVES                                          Herniorrhaphy (Extra)/(TEP)

          •  To evaluate the efficacy and safety of three laparo­  Laparoscopic hernia repair wherein the skin and fascia
             scopic hernia repair techniques: TAPP, TEP and IPOM  at the umbilicus are incised using an open laparoscopic
          •  Specifically, this review aims to:               technique, leaving the underlying peritoneum intact.
             –   Determine which laparoscopic technique has   The preperitoneal space is dissected beginning at the
                 lowest recurrence rate                       umbilicus and continuing inferiorly, creating a ‘pneu­
             –   Determine which laparoscopic technique has the   moextraperitoneum’ using CO  gas. Additional ports
                 least perioperative complications.           were placed into the extraperitoneal space once the
                                                              space was sufficiently enlarged, allowing introduction
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               of laparoscopic instrumentation. The abdominal cavity
                                                              is not entered. Dissection is performed until the hernia
          The database used in this study was PubMed and MeSH.
          Search terms included: laparoscop*, inguinal, hernia,   defect is encountered and the procedure continued in an
          repair, TAPP, TEP and IPOM.                         identical fashion to the TAPP operation.
             Study designs included in this study were prospective   DISCUSSION
          clinical studies and retrospective clinical studies.
                                                              Catani et al  reported their experience on laparoscopic
          DEFINITION OF TERMS                                 hernioplasty using the IOPM repair in 56 patients. Thirty
                                                              patients had a monolateral hernia, nine of which were
          Transabdominal Preperitoneal Laparoscopic           recurrent. Twenty-six had bilateral hernias, six of which
          Inguinal Herniorrhaphy
                                                              were recurrent. A total of 90 hernias were treated. The first
          Laparoscopic hernia repair wherein the peritoneum then  32 cases were repaired with the ‘GORETEX Dual Mesh
          is incised transversely above the hernia defect, and a  Plus biomaterial with holes’. The ‘Corduroy’ type was used
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