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Michael Angelo L Suñaz
          complications in the IPOM group (25% of patients). The  CONCLUSION
          difference was not statistically significant. Neuralgias   Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy is an effective
          were noted in three cases of TAPP and 11 cases of IPOM     method to correct an inguinal hernia but is not without
          (p < 0.05), local hematoma in six cases of TAPP and three   complications nor risk for recurrences. The TAPP, IPOM
          cases of IPOM (NS), and urinary retention in one case   and TEP procedures appear to be equally effective. Trai-
          of TAPP and in no case of IPOM (NS). There were no    ning, experience and proper operative technique will
          recurrences among those who underwent TAPP and      prevent some of these complications.
          eight recurrences among those who underwent IPOM
          (p < 0.01).                                         REFERENCES
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