Page 12 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 12

Ricardo Lopez Osorio, Pablo Hartedt
          Patients were selected as candidates based on para-  100%, with a mean value of 242.5 mg/dl (f = 239 m =
          meters previously standardized, and they were contacted  248) and all the patients with preoperative HbA1 > 7.9
          to perform a re-evaluation of DM diagnostic and treat-  (mean 9.11 ±  1.7) (Graph 2). The mean weight was
          ment. A total of 32 patients where re-evaluated by nutri-  52.79 Kg (f = 81.36 m = 82.95) with a BMI of 29.4 Kg/m²
          tionist, internal medicine, phycologist, and laparoscopic  (f  = 28.69, m  = 30.07) (Graph  3).  Dyslipidemia was
          surgeon. Only 10 patients where candidates for surgery  present in 80% of cases with mean TGs and human
          after multispecialty evaluation, surgery information and  leukocyte antigen (HLA) of 200.5 mg/dl and 39.3 mg/dl
          consent, and contraindication of procedure has being  respectively. Diagnostic of hypertension was made
          ruled out.                                          with routine blood pressure and was present in 80%
             Patients where admitted 24 hours previous to the  of the patients but only four (50%) of them were under
          procedure and stapled sleeve gastrectomy was per-   treatment. After the procedure, patients were routinely
          formed. Invagination of the stapled line was done in all  evaluated and data gathered after 12 months period.
          the patients with absorbable continuous intracorporeal  The mean BMI achieved overall was 22.58 Kg/m² being
          suture and drainage was placed in all the patients as  the minimum 18.8 Kg/m² (f = 22.28, m = 22.44) (Table 3).
          well. Gastrography was performed 24 hours after the  The total mean weight loss overall was 64.95 ± 12.6 Kg,
          procedure in all the patients.                      and the mean percentage of weight loss was 35% of
                                                              initial weight (Table 2). The hemoglobin A1c below 7%
          Inclusion Criteria                                  was achieved by 80% of patients and below 6.5% by
          Diagnostic of MS as described above. Tree criteria of five   60% (Graph 4). Fasting glucose levels decreased overall
          of the NCEP-ATP III definition for the MS. According to   from 242.80 to 98.50 mg/dl. The overall HbA1 decreased
          the NCEP-ATP III definition, MS is present if three or   from 9.1% to 6.6%. Triglycerides levels decreased from
          more of the following five criteria are met: waist circumfe-
          rence over 40'' in men or 35'' in women, blood pressure
          over 130/85 mm Hg, fasting TG level over 150 mg/dl,
          fasting HDL cholesterol level less than 40 mg/dl in men
          or 50 mg/dl in women and fasting blood sugar over
          100 mg/dl or hemoglobin alpha 1 (HbA1) ≥ 7.5%. Because
          this parameters are based on a different standard
          physiognomy type, diet, economical status and socio-
          economically environment, for this study we used the
          body mass index (BMI) as parameter of inclusion, and
          were included patients ranging from BMI > 25 Kg/m²
          and < 35 Kg/m².

          Exclusion Criteria
          •  Age over 55 years                                             Graph 1: Gender of patients
          •  Diabetes diagnosed or treatment over 5 years
          •  Contraindications for surgery over evaluation by
          Postoperative Follow-up

          All patients were followed-up 2 weeks, 3, 6 and
          12 months after the procedure, performing blood test
          and nutritional evaluation to gather the data of weight
          loss and MS criteria. Preoperative and postoperative data
          are presented.

          Ten patients were operated, 60% (n = 6) male, 40% (n = 4)
          female (Graph 1). The overall mean age was 36.2 ±
          17 years. All of the patients met criteria for MS, being   Graph 2: hemoglobin alpha 1 overall improvement after
          fasting glucose plasma levels the criteria present in                sleeve gastrectomy
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