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                                                                Efficacy and Safety of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair

          Efficacy and Safety of Laparoscopic Inguinal

          Hernia Repair

          Michael Angelo L Suñaz

          ABSTRACT                                            How to cite this article: Suñaz MAL. Efficacy and Safety
                                                              of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair. World J Lap Surg
          Background: Inguinal hernia results from a defect or weak­  2015;8(3):81-84.
          ness in the muscles in the inguinal region, through which
          the peritoneum protrudes, forming the sac. One of the most    Source of support: Nil
          common operations that general surgeons perform to repair this
          defect is inguinal herniorrhaphy. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy   Conflict of interest: None
          started being performed when laparoscopic cholecystectomy
          has shown definite benefits over the open technique. However,  INTRODUCTION
          laparoscopic hernia repair is an advanced laparoscopic proce­
          dure and has a longer learning curve. 4             Inguinal hernia results from a defect or weakness  in
                                                              the muscles in the inguinal region through which the
          Objectives: (1) To evaluate the efficacy and safety of three
          laparoscopic hernia repair techniques: Transabdominal preperi­  peritoneum protrudes, forming the sac. One of the most
          toneal (TAPP), totally extraperitoneal (TEP), and intraperitoneal  common operations that general surgeons perform to
          onlay mesh (IPOM). (2) Specifically, this review aims to: (a)   repair this defect is inguinal herniorrhaphy. Laparoscopic
          Determine which laparoscopic technique has lowest recurrence   herniorrhaphy started being performed when laparos­
          rate, (b) determine which laparoscopic technique has the least
          perioperative complications.                        copic cholecystectomy has shown definite benefits over
                                                              the open technique. However, laparoscopic hernia repair
          Materials and methods: The database used in this study
          was PubMed and MeSH. Search terms included: laparoscop*,   is an advanced laparoscopic procedure and has a longer
          inguinal, hernia, repair, TAPP, TEP and IPOM. Study designs   learning curve. 4
          included in this study were prospective clinical studies, and   In 1982, Ger attempted minimal access groin hernia
          retrospective clinical studies.                     repair by using Michel clips to close the opening of an
          Results: All three laparoscopic techniques had complication  indirect inguinal hernia sac. In 1989, Bogojavlensky
          rates comparable to those of the open techniques. However, re­  modified the technique by plugging a polypropylene
          currence rates after laparoscopic repair was much lower. IPOM,   mesh into the sac and applying an intracorporeal suture
          although technically the easiest procedure to perform among the
          three laparoscopic techniques, is associated with the highest risk   on the deep ring. In 1991, Toy and Smoot described a
          of adhesion formation and the lowest tensile strength. In com­  technique of intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) place­
          parison, the TEP and the TAPP techniques had the advantages  ment. This involved placement of an intra-abdominal
          of better tissue incorporation and tensile strength.  piece of polypropylene or e­PTFE mesh and stapling it
          Conclusion: Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy is an effec­  over the myopectineal orifice without dissection of the
          tive method to correct an inguinal hernia but is not without   peritoneum. 4
          complications nor risk for recurrences. The TAPP, IPOM,   Stoppa’s concept of preperitoneal reinforcement of
          and TEP procedures appear to be equally effective. Training,
          experi ence, and proper operative technique will prevent some   the transversalis fascia over the myopectineal orifice
          of these complications.                             with its multiple openings by a prosthetic mesh brought
                                                              about the evolution of the present day techniques of
          Keywords: Hernia, Inguinal, Laparoscop*, Repair, TAPP, TEP
          and IPOM.                                           laparoscopic hernia repair. In the early 1990’s, Arregui
                                                              and Doin described the transabdominal preperitoneal
                                                              (TAPP) hernia repair. During TAPP, the abdominal cavity
            Resident Fellow                                   is first entered followed by the incision of the peritoneum
                                                              over the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, allowing
            World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon
            Haryana, India                                    access into the avascular preperitoneal plane. Adequate
            Corresponding Author: Michael Angelo L Suñaz, Resident   dissection is carried out along this plane to allow
            Fellow, World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, DLF Phase   placement of a large (15 × 10 cm) mesh over the hernia
            II, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana, India, e-mail: prettytiedup@  orifices. The peritoneum is carefully sutured or stapled
                                                              back into place after fixation of the mesh. Transabdominal

           *Laparoscop stands for ‘Laparoscopy’ or ‘Laparoscopic’ for PubMed result.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):81-84                         81
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