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                 Sleeve Gastrectomy in Metabolic Syndrome for Nonmorbid Obese Patients: Is this the Future for Diabetes Treatment?
          with diabetes, and quoting the lack of long-term data to  insulin sensitivity and reversing MS, even in patients
          stablish complete and long-term resolution. 9       with BMI < 30%.
             The importance of metabolic changes with bariatric     The procedures described in different studies
          procedures have being reported in some studies, such as  includes RYGB, sleeve gastrectomy, bilio-pancreatic
          De Paula  et al that have demonstrated an 82% of diabetes  diversion with duodenal switch, and Ileal interposi-
          resolution, even in normal and overweight patients, with  tion with sleeve gastrectomy. In Table 1 shows an
          a mean BMI of 23.1 and 28.3 respectively.           overall percentage of glycemic control at 12 months
             There are two main anatomical mechanisms in which   period after the procedure have being performed. And
          bariatric surgery takes its effects. The first it is creating   some of them describe that patients had achieved gly-
          anatomical change to minimize the space of food intake,   cemic control without medication even before the hospital
          and creating a hormonal effect, directly changing hunger   discharge and 72 hours after surgery.  The main percent-
          stimulation by hormones that are produced in specific   age of patients that acquire glycemic control, after the
          cells in gastric fundus, such as GH. And the second, it is   procedures, varies from 60 to 100%, with a mean 85%.
          creating secreting limbs for the gastric and biliopancre-  And the studies vary in the description of DM remission
          atic digestive juices, to bypass a specific gastrointestinal   as some authors describe partial remission as main HbA1
          segment that it is responsible of absorptive mechanisms.   < 6.5% without diabetes medication, and others < 7.0%,
             There are procedures that are created to stablish this   and complete remission if HbA1 < 5.6%. But the findings
          two anatomophysiological effects at the same time, like   in each study have showed, overall, that bariatric pro-
          duodenal switch with pancreatobiliary diversion. And   cedures are better treatment of long-term patients with
          all of this mechanisms have proved to produce adequate   DM that medical therapy alone,  and surgical treatment
          glycemic control, with weight loss effects, depending   will have a direct effect on other comorbidities, resolving
          on each procedure, in nonmorbid obese patients and in   hypertension in 58%, sleep apnea in 80%, hypertriglyceri-
          patients only with overweight patients. 12,14       demia resolved in 58%, hypercholesterolemia resolved in
             Based on this findings the medical-surgical field has   64%,  and a prediction of 10 years risk of cardiovascular
          encountered a new perspective of clinical outcome. The   disease for each patient, calculated using the United
          treatment of metabolic disorders, without obese morbi dity.  Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) risk
             Several studies have evaluated different types of   engine,  fell substantially after surgery 71%.  This are
                                                              comorbidities of mild obesity that medical therapy for
          bariatric procedures. Performed in patients under 35 BMI,   DM itself will not cure.
          even in patients with normal weight, all of them have
          achieved glycemic control, regardless of weight control   METHODOLOGY
          mechanisms (Table 1).  In some of them, the role of gastric
          hormones and the relation between gastric anatomy and   Source of Data
          insulin resistance have been analyzed and described. 3,6,14  This study was carried out in Guatemala city in a nutri-
             Results in insulin resistance and b-cell dysfunction  tion, bariatric and metabolic clinic, Metabolik, and the
          tests, showed different type of improvements with dif-  patients that were selected for surgery where operated
          ferent procedures. Not all studies have evaluated this  with minimal access approach in an advanced laparos-
          variables. But, it described that the nonweight loss effect  copy center. Patients were selected from a multispecialty
          of bariatric surgery in nonobese patients has an direct  clinic specialized in diabetes and diabetes complications
          impact on the incretin pancreatic-stimulation.  There-  and over 125 patients charts, 32 where selected as candi-
          fore, weight loss has a very important effect on improving  dates for preoperative evaluation, and 10 patients were
                                                              selected for surgery.
               Table 1: Glycemic control in patients that overcome
                           bariatric procedures               Study Period
                                             Mean  % Glycemic
           Case study     Cases Female Male BMI   control     Patients were preselected in a retrospective manner,
           M Frenken 15   16    8      8     32   100         collecting information in medical records from January
           Kwang Yeol Paik 16  12  4   8     27.9  66         2010 to May 2014. Evaluation of patients preselected was
           Wu Q, Xiao Z,   8    5      3     31.5  83         performed during July 2014, and procedures where per-
           Cheng Z, Tian H 6                                  formed during August to September 2014.
           M Cerci, MI Bellini,  25  15  10  33.2  86
           F Russo 7                                          Method of Collection of Data
           Ricardo V Cohen 3  66  40   26    32.5  88
           Aureo L DePaula 17  202  59  143  29.7  86.40      Information of patients admitted and evaluated with diag-
           Total          358   131    198   31.13 85         nostic and treatment of DM where collected from files.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):75-80                         77
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