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                                         Laparoscopic Surgery: Results of a Modified Open Technique of Umbilical Port Insertion
          an artery forceps peritoneum is carefully breached, cavity  neal space leading to extraperitoneal gas insufflations. It
          is entered and jaw of artery forceps opened. By keeping  was immediately detected and corrected. No complica-
          the blades of artery forceps open, assistant shows ope-  tion of vascular injury or visceral injury occurred by this
          ning in umbilical stalk and surgeon introduces tip of  technique. None of the patients developed umbilical her-
          blunt trocar-canulla (Hassan trocar) through the opening  nia at 6 months of follow-up. Closure of rectus sheath inci-
          in the stalk, applying little pressure with right hand and  sion at umbilical port site could be easily done in all cases.
          lifting the abdominal wall with left hand (Figs 2 and 3).  Average closure time for umbilical port was 1 minute.
          Trocar is removed from cannula, carbondioxide gas is  Intraoperatively no other technical difficulty was encoun-
          insufflated and pneumoperitoneum is created. After  tered. Minor umbilical sepsis developed in seven cases.
          completion of procedure, umbilical stalk is everted by  It was due to application of towel clip to umbilical skin.
          holding with an allis forceps and a nonabsorbable suture   Insertion of first port and creation of pneumo-
          is applied to close the opening.                    pe ritoneum is a key step in laparoscopic surgery. Closed
                                                              method by using Veress needle is a blind procedure.
          RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                              Studies have shown that vascular injuries are more
                                                              common  with  the  Veress  needle.  To avoid these
          All patient were in adult age group, age varying from 28 to
          62 years. Average time taken for umbilical port insertion   complications, Hasson introduced the open technique of
          was 40 to 50 seconds. Intraoperative gas leakage around   port insertion under direct vision.  In the conventional
          the umbilical port occurred in five cases which was     open technique, an umbilical skin crease incision is made
          corrected by applying sutures around skin incision. In one   after making a skin stab with surgical blade no. 11 and
          case, umbilical port was wrongly directed in extraperito-  subcutaneous fat is dissected. A transverse incision is
                                                              made in the rectus sheath. Anterior abdominal wall is
                                                              lifted by grasping between fingers and thenar eminence of
                                                              one hand of operating surgeon and assistant on the other
                                                              side. Operating surgeon using his dominant hand inserts
                                                              the blunt Hasson trocar through the opening in rectus
                                                              sheath.  Studies have shown that open technique is faster
                                                              and has lesser complication rate than Veress needle. As
                                                              a blunt cannula is used for creating pneumoperitoneum
                                                              and surgeon can also insert his index finger through
                                                              umbilical incision to confirm the peritoneal space and
                                                              to break minor adhesions. There is decreased risk of
                                                              gas  embolism,  bowel  and  vascular  injury.  Risk of
                                                              complications of in laparoscopic surgery can be further
                                                              minimized by this modified technique. In modified open
                                                              technique, it is easier to hold the anterior abdominal wall
                Fig. 2: Lifting the abdominal wall and insertion of    by grasping the everted umbilical cicatrix with the help
                              blunt trocar                    of a towel clip and to lift the anterior abdominal wall
                                                              by pulling umbilical stalk which is a tough structure. It
                                                              gives adequate traction for safe introduction of port. As
                                                              umbilical stalk contains obliterated umbilical vessels
                                                              so, a safe stab incision can be made through. Length of
                                                              incision in umbilical stalk is adequate to accommodate
                                                              the size of 10 mm cannula. Junction of umbilical stalk and
                                                              linea alba is the thinnest part of anterior abdominal wall
                                                              and peritoneum at this point is fused in a single layer.
                                                              So port is easily inserted after minimal dissection and
                                                              without much tissue resistance. After removal of port on
                                                              completion of the procedure, spontaneous apposition of
                                                              margins of umbilical stalk occurs and makes the port
                                                              closure easier. So, modified open technique is an easy and
                                                              safe technique of primary port insertion and creation of
               Fig. 3: Blunt trocar inserted through umbilical stalk  pneumoperitoneum.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):72-74                         73
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