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                 Sleeve Gastrectomy in Metabolic Syndrome for Nonmorbid Obese Patients: Is this the Future for Diabetes Treatment?

          Sleeve Gastrectomy in Metabolic Syndrome for Nonmorbid

          Obese Patients: Is this the Future for Diabetes Treatment?

          1 Ricardo López Osorio,  Pablo Hartedt

          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          During the development of surgical treatments, there have   Obesity and its comorbidities have been the pillars of
          been so many improvements and challenging task that have   procedures and investigations to reduce the morbidity
          lead surgeons to treat patients with new procedures and new
          indications.                                        and mortality of this preventable disease. Obesity is the
             Gastrectomy surgery initially was performed for cancer sur-  second cause of preventable deaths in US after smoking,
          gery. Now it is a worldwide performed procedure for complete   therefore, this disease is making of bariatric surgery, one
          healthy stomachs, but the main indication its weight loss, and
          all the physiological improvements that this procedure will bring   of the most performed gastrointestinal procedures in US.
          to the patients’ health.                            In obese patients, main indication of consult in bariatric
             During the bariatric surgery development, there have been  clinics is not the esthetic aspect but a clinical problem due
          different choices for different indications and different patients,   to morbidity that causes severe weight, like hypertension,
          depending on a variety of conditions and data that take evi-
          dence based medicine, to approve that this procedures can be   diabetes, gout, etc.
          accepted in the surgical field.                        Bariatric surgery was initiated in the 1990, with the
             All the studies that have been showing improvement of   specific indication of treatment of morbid obese patients,
          medical conditions in obese patients, and had compared dif-  and the main goal of this procedures is to establish an
          ferent type of procedures (Gastric Bypass, Duodenal Switch,
          Biliopancreatic Divertion, Sleeve Gastrectomy), led surgeon in   anatomical restructure, for restrictive and metabolic
          different part of the world to take indications of surgery beyond  gastrointestinal absorption modification.  The main
          weight loss. Being proved by previous analysis, that most of   objective of this procedures is to reduce weight, but
          the patients get remission or cure, of comorbidities before an
          statistically significant weight loss, this study was led to perform   during the experience of surgeon performing and
          vertical sleeve gastrectomy in patients with overweight, non-  investigating long-term outcomes of this procedures, it’s
          obese, that where diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS).  been shown that comorbidities are improved even before
          Ten patients where operated (f = 6 m = 4), all of them met at least   weight loss begins. 2
          three criteria for MS (National Cholesterol Education Program
          Adult Treatment Panel III Citeria), 100% had diabetes mellitus   Therefore, the metabolic changes that this procedures
          (DM) as a criteria. After surgery the patients where followed up  involves, and the metabolic improvement in patients
          to 12 months and the mean body mass index (BMI) achieved   with metabolic syndrome (MS), took expert surgeons in
          overall  was 22.58  kg/m   being  the  minimum 18.8  kg/m    this field to research if it is possible to improve diabetes
          (f = 22.28 m = 22.44). The total mean weight loss overall
          was 64.95 ± 12.6 kg, and the mean percentage of weightloss   mellitus (DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, which all are
          was 35% of initial weight with no clinical significance in the  diagnostic criteria of MS. And with several data pub-
          patients and 70% had remission of DM.               lished of improvement of this criteria with deferent type
          Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Diabetes remission, Metabolic  of bariatric procedures, in nonmorbid obese patients, 3-6
          surgery, Metabolic syndrome, Nonobese, Sleeve gastrectomy.  we decided to add more data performing a restrictive
          How to cite this article: Osorio RL, Hartedt P. Sleeve Gastrec-  gastric procedure that can improve MS and remission
          tomy in Metabolic Syndrome for Nonmorbid Obese Patients:   of DM in nonobese patients.
          Is this the Future for Diabetes Treatment? World J Lap Surg
          Source of support: Nil                              METABOLIC SYNDROME
                                                              Metabolic syndrome (MS) was described by The World
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              Health Organization (WHO) in 1998. Based that insulin
                                                              resistance was the center pillar to the pathophysiology
            1,2 Surgeon                                       of MS, the WHO criteria had to determine insulin resis-
            1,2 Department of Laparoscopic, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery   tance in patients. Fasting glucose level above 100 mg/dl
            MetaboliK Minimal Acces Surgery Center, San Benito, Peten   or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), defined as a glu-
            Guatemala, CA                                     cose level above 140 mg/dl, after ingestion of 75 gm
            Corresponding Author: Ricardo  Lopez  Osorio,  Surgeon   of glucose load during an oral glucose tole rance test.
            Department of Laparoscopic, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery   Alternatively, other measures could serve as evidence
            MetaboliK Minimal Acces Surgery Center, San Benito, Peten   of insulin resistance, such as an elevated homeostatic
            Guatemala, CA, e-mail:
                                                              model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2015;8(3):75-80                         75
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