Page 24 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 24

John Suresh Kumar TR
          and with right hand posterior and anterior windows are  LC. A three-port LC can be performed by using a suture
          created by dissecting in Calot’s triangle. Critical view of  for fundal traction, so that the vision of the Calot’s triangle
          safety is of utmost important to prevent bile duct injury.  is not compromised. The traction suture is inserted from
          Clipping of the cystic duct and cystic artery is achieved  the right lower chest wall taking care it does not penetrate
          from 10 mm epigastric port. Gallbladder extraction is  the pleura or the lung in the right anterior or mid-axillary
          generally done from either epigastric or umbilical port.  line with a straight needle inserted percutaneously or by a
                                                              free thread inserted into the abdomen and withdrawn by
          Reduced Port Size Laparoscopic                      a prolene loop inserted through a standard 18 G needle,
          Cholecystectomy                                     an epidural needle, or the verees needle. We can also use
                                                              figure of eight suture on fundus to apply gentle traction.
          The size of epigastric trocar is reduced from 10 to 5 mm
          and this is claimed to reduce the pain and improve the   This avoids the complication of occasional minor bile leak
          cosmesis. This requires bipolar coagulation of the cystic   while using a traction suture. One can also make use of
          artery and 5 mm clip applicator for clipping the cystic   stryker mini alligator to provide traction on fundus of
          duct or ligation of cystic duct with an extra corporeal   the gallbladder.
          knot. At the end of the procedure the gallbladder is   STRYKER MINI ALLIGATOR
          extracted through the umbilical port. Another variant
          of this technique is where a 5 mm telescope is used at   Some studies show no major advantage in reducing one
          the umbilicus and a 10 mm epigastric trocar is used for   5 mm right lumbar port as it neither reduces pain nor
          standard clip ligature of the cystic duct and epigastric   alters the postoperative recovery and it is cosmetically
          extraction of the gallbladder. 1                    not superior to the traditional standard four-port LC.
                                                              Some other studies have showed advantage of three
          Miniport Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Fig. 2)      ports LC over four ports LC  in terms of less pain,
                                                              shorter hospital stay,  and fewer surgical scars.  Thus in
          This is done by a 10 mm umbilical port, 2 mm subcostal   few selected patients, three-port LC is possible without
          and lateral ports (MiniSite, US Surgical), and a 5 mm   endangering patient’s safety.
          epigastric port (US Surgical). In addition, 2 mm graspers
          (MiniSite EndoGrasp; US Surgical) were used. A 5 mm  Techniques with Reduced Port Size with
          clip was used on the cystic artery and duct; a 5 mm 30°  Reduced Port Numbers in LC
          laparoscope was placed through the epigastric port to   One can use a 5 mm umbilical telescope and a 10 mm
          remove the specimen through umbilical port.
                                                              epigastric trocar with a 5 mm retraction trocar in the right
                                                              abdomen with or without suture traction of gallbladder
          Reduced Port (Number) Laparoscopic                  fundus. This technique has little rationale as 10 mm
                                                              epigastric port presumably causes more pain and avoiding
          Attempts were made by surgeons to reduce the port  a 10 mm incision in umbilicus has no cosmetic advantage. 1
          number from 4 to 3, but the vision was quite different, and   One can also use microlaparoscopic instruments,
          hence many of them continued to do standard four-port  i.e., 3 or 2 mm instruments for performing reduced port

                                     Fig. 2:  Instruments in miniport laparoscopic cholecystectomy
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