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                                   Single-incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy vs Conventional Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
                                     Table 1: Different studies comparing SILC and conventional LC
                            Mean age        Length of stay     Operative time       Cost        Postoperative pain
           Study         SILC      CLC  SILC       CLC      SILC      CLC     SILC      CLC    SILC      CLC
           Culp et al    45        52   0.34 day   0.98 day  65 min   51 min  $3700     $3450  –         –
           Karim et al   46        46.3  22 hours  31 hours  75 min   58 min  –         –      0.34      0.3
           Linden et al  45        46   1 day      2 days   46 min    62 min  –         –      –         –
           Bucher et al  42        44   0 day      1 day    66 min    64 min  –         –      2         3
           Deveci et al  50        50   1.06 days  1.04 days  73 min  48 min  –         –      –         –

          the hospital. Pain is also reported less by patients who     2.  Culp BL, Cedillo VE, Arnold DT. Single-incision laparoscopic
          underwent SILS compared with CLC. Operative time is     cholecystectomy versus traditional four-port cholecystectomy.
          significantly higher in SILC and is revealed by all the   Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2012 Oct;25(4):319-323.
          above studies except Linden et al, which surprisingly     3.  Karim MA, Ahmed J, Mansour M, Ali AM. Single incision
                                                                  vs. conventional multiport laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a
          had lesser operative time for SILC. But as the learning   comparison of two approaches. Int J Surg 2012;10(7):368-372.
          curve of the operating surgeons increases, this will     4.  Deveci U, Barbaros U, Kapakli MS, Manukyan MN, Şimşek S,
          improve in coming days. Postoperative and intraoperative   Kebudi A, Mercan S. The comparison of single incision
          complications were similar in both the groups.          laparoscopic cholecystectomy and three port laparoscopic
             Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a good   cholecystectomy: prospective randomized study. J Korean
                                                                  Surg Soc 2013 Dec;85(6):275-282.
          innovation that has a lot of scope in coming days once     5.  Linden Y, Bosscha K, Prins HA, Lips DJ. Single-port laparo-
          the learning curve of the operating surgeons improves.  scopic cholecystectomy vs standard laparoscopic cholecys-
                                                                  tectomy: a non-randomized, age matched single center trial.
          REFERENCES                                              World J Gastrointest Surg 2015 Aug 27;7(8):145-151.
                                                                6.  Bucher  P,  Pugin  F,  Buchs  NC,  Ostermann  S,  Morel  P.
            1.  Navarra G, Pozza E, Occhionorelli S, Carcoforo P, Donini I.   Randomized clinical trial of laparoendoscopic single-site
              One-wound laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br J Surg 1997   versus conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br J Surg
              May;84(5):695.                                      2011 Dec;98(12):1695-1702.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):75-77                                 77
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