Page 28 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 28

BV Sharath

                  Fig. 2: Technique of insertion of SILS™ port            Fig. 3: Roticulating instruments

                                                              which was significantly more compared to CLC group
                                                              which was 58 minutes. No major intraoperative compli-
                                                              cations were encountered in either group. There was no
                                                              significant difference in postoperative pain score and
                                                              length of hospital stay. During follow-up one patient in
                                                              SILC group had superficial wound infection which was
                                                              managed conservatively with oral antibiotics.
                                                                 Deveci et al  comprised totally 100 patients with 50 in
                                                              each of SILC and CLC. Average operating time in SILC
                                                              was significantly longer (73 minutes) compared to CLC
                                                              (48 minutes). Pain was higher in SILC than in CLC. Length
                        Fig. 4: Stryker mini alligator        of hospital stay was similar in both the groups. One patient
                                                              in CLC had biliary leakage for 2 days postoperative
          central cannula and diagnostic laparoscopy is done (Fig. 2).   because of difficult dissection of gallbladder bed which
          Roticulating instruments (Fig. 3) are introduced into two    responded to conservative management. Two patients in
          5 mm cannula. Fundus of the gallbladder is retracted using   each group were readmitted for wound infection.
          Stryker mini-alligator introduced separately (Fig. 4). The   In the study done by Linden et al,  100 patients be-
          procedure is carried out in the same way as conventional   longed to SILC group and the other 100 belonged to CLC
          laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CLC).                 group. Contrary to other studies, the operating time in
                                                              SILC group was significantly shorter (46 minutes) com-
          RESULTS                                             pared to CLC group (62 minutes). Perioperative complica-
                                                              tions were found in 3 patients in SILC (one perioperative
          This review article is based on the four original articles Culp
          et al, Karim et al, Linden et al, and Bucher et al (Table 1).  bleeding, two pneumothoraces) and 5 patients in CLC
             Culp et al  study group included 62 patients in SILC   (perioperative bleeding). There was no significant differ-
          group and 63 patients in CLC group. The average length   ence in length of hospital stay in either group.
          of stay in SILC group was 0.34 days and in CLC group   Bucher et al  studied a cohort of 150 patients who were
          was 0.98 days. Operative time in SILC was significantly   randomized to undergo either SILS or CLC. Seventy-five
          higher than in CLC (65 minutes vs 51 minutes). The cost   patients underwent SILC and the other 75 underwent
          was also significantly higher in SILC (average $3700) than   CLC. Operating time was similar in both the groups.
          CLC ($3450). No operative complications were noted in   Operating costs were higher in SILS groups. Intra- and
          either groups.                                      postoperative complications were similar in both the
             Karim et al  studied a total of 183 patients among   groups. Patients experienced less pain in SILC group.
          which 76 patients were excluded from the study. Of the
          remaining, the numbers in the SILC group included     DISCUSSION
          45 patients and those in CLC group included 62 patients.  All these studies demonstrate that SILC is welcomed
          The median operative time for SILC group was 75 minutes  with better cosmesis and decreased length of stay in
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