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                            Clipped vs Clipless Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy using the Ultra sonically Activated (Harmonic) Scalpel
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          Clipped vs Clipless Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy using

          the Ultrasonically Activated (Harmonic) Scalpel

          1 Mohammed Hamdy Abdelhady,  Asaad F Salama

          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          Introduction: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is the “gold   The surgical management of gallstones has been revo-
          standard” in the treatment of symptomatic gallbladder lithiasis.   lutionized after the advent of laparoscopic cholecystec-
          Monopolar hook, i.e., used currently is associated with some
          complications, such as the risk of thermal injuries and biliary   tomy (LC). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the optimal
          complications. The ultrasonically activated (harmonic) scalpel  treatment for patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis.
          has been increasingly used for dissection of the gallbladder and  It has a positive impact on the postoperative quality of
          for division of vessels and the cystic duct, because it reduces   the patient’s life as well as optimal short- and long-term
          the risk of thermal injuries with encouraging results.
                                                              results. 1
          Materials and methods: In this prospective study, 60 patients   The standard LC is commonly performed by means
          with gallbladder stones were planned to do LC. Patients were   of specialized instruments. The electrosurgical dissec-
          randomly assigned to either group I, including 30 patients who
          were subjected to traditional LC using cautery and clip applier,   tor, hook, spatula, and/or scissors, using high-frequency
          or to group II, including 30 planned for clipless cholecystectomy  monopolar electrocautery, have been used in most centers
          using harmonic (Ethicon Endosurgery Ultracision Harmonic  for dissection of gallbladder and adhesions. Metal clips
          Scalpel, Generator 300).                            were the most frequently used technique to achieve both
          Results: Neither minor nor major bile leaks were encountered  cystic duct and artery closure. Alternative techniques
          in either groups. Similarly, no bile-duct injuries were encoun-  for cystic duct closure have included sutures, either
          tered in the present study. The incidence of gallbladder perfora-  extracorporeal or intracorporeal knots. However, these
          tion was less in group II. Operative time was significantly shorter
          in group II (p = 0.032). Mean hospital stay was significantly less   alternatives are technically more difficult and, therefore,
          in group II (p = 0.046). No statistically significant difference was  were used infrequently. 2
          found in the incidence of postoperative complications between   Several reports have revealed several injuries and
          both groups.                                        postoperative complications due to the current technol-
          Conclusion: The harmonic shears are as safe and effective  ogy and technique of LC. These include deep tissue
          as the commonly used clip and cautery technique in achieving   damage with possible distant tissue damage by the high-
          safe closure and division of the cystic duct in the LC. Further,   frequency electrocautery involving vascular and biliary
          it provides a superior alternative to the currently used high-
          frequency monopolar technology in terms of shorter operative   structures in the vicinity of the cystic duct and artery,
          time and lower incidence of gallbladder perforation.  bile leakage due to slippage of the clips, and visceral and
          Keywords: Clipless, Harmonic scalpel, Laparoscopic chole-  solid organ injuries due to frequent instrument exchange,
          cystectomy.                                         which is sometimes performed without optic guidance. 3
                                                                 The ultrasonically activated (harmonic) scalpel was
          How to cite this article: Abdelhady MH, Salama AF. Clipped
          vs Clipless Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy using the Ultra-  designed as a safe alternative to electrocautery for the
          sonically  Activated  (Harmonic)  Scalpel.  World  J  Lap  Surg  hemostatic dissection of tissue and was introduced into
          2017;10(1):17-21.                                   clinical use nearly two decades ago. This innovative
          Source of support: Nil                              method of cutting tissue was based upon the coagulating
          Conflict of interest: None                          and cavitational effects provided by a rapidly vibrating
                                                              blade contacting various tissues. 4
                                                                 The resulting decrease in temperatures, smoke, and
           1,2 Surgeon                                        lateral tissue damage placed the harmonic scalpel in
           1 Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery, Jahra   contrast to the effects seen with the more traditional
           Hospital, Jahra, Kuwait                            electrocautery. In addition, the elimination of inadvertent,
           2 Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,  Theodore Bilharz   sometimes unrecognized, electrical arcing injuries with
           Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt                   their potentially hazardous sequelae supported the role
           Corresponding Author:  Mohammed  Hamdy Abdelhady   of the harmonic scalpel as a potentially safer instrument
           Surgeon, Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery   for tissue dissection. 5
           Jahra Hospital, Jahra, Kuwait, Phone: +96565589000, e-mail:   The replacement of scissors, dissector, and clips appli-
                                                              cator with the harmonic scalpel gives the opportunity
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2017;10(1):17-21                             17
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