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          Michael Ikechukwu Nnamonu                                             10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1306
          RevieW ARticLe

          Laparoscopy in Blunt Abdominal Trauma

          Michael Ikechukwu Nnamonu

          ABSTRACT                                            preclude laparoscopy. The gasless laparoscopy technique

          Introduction: This review describes the role of laparoscopy   has been described to attenuate this as well as to prevent
          in patients with blunt abdominal trauma.            air embolism and also pneumothorax in patients with
                                                              occult diaphragmatic injuries. 3
          Materials and methods: Keywords, such as laparoscopy,
          blunt, abdominal, trauma were entered into PubMed search   Laparoscopy can be safely used when an intraabdomi-
          engine and filtered for peer-reviewed articles written in the  nal injury is suspected in a patient, i.e., hemodynamically
          last 5 years.                                       stable. These are patients with a systolic blood pressure
          Results and discussion: The findings from these articles are  of >100 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure of >60 mm Hg,
          collated and discussed.                             a heart rate of <110 beats per minute, and crystalloid
          Conclusion: Laparoscopy is a safe approach both for diagnosis  resuscitation requirements of <2 L. 4
          and treatment of patients with blunt abdominal trauma and is   The objective of this review is to determine the scope
          associated with the benefits of laparoscopic approach.  of the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of laparoscopy in
          Keywords: Blunt abdominal trauma, Diagnostic laparoscopy,  blunt abdominal trauma, and also to delineate the ben-
          Missed visceral injuries, Therapeutic laparoscopy.  efits, complications, as well as prospects of laparoscopy
          How to cite this article: Nnamonu MI. Laparoscopy in Blunt  in patients with blunt abdominal trauma.
          Abdominal Trauma. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):66-68.
          Source of support: Nil                              MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Conflict of interest: None                          The PubMed search engine was used to search for
                                                              peer-reviewed articles. The keywords entered were
                                                              laparoscopy, blunt, abdominal, and trauma. The search
                                                              was filtered to include only articles written in the last
          The use of laparoscopy in trauma has lagged behind in   5 years.  All 55 articles obtained from the database were
          the otherwise rapid progression of this groundbreaking   then reviewed for relevance and sample size. Case reports
          surgical tool. Although reports exist of the use of lapa-  were excluded.
          roscopy for the diagnosis of hemoperitoneum as far back
          as the 1920s, there is still a paucity of literature on this   RESULTS
          subject to this day. 1,2
             There is no doubt that this is related to the nature of   Several articles discussed the uses of laparoscopy in blunt
          trauma. There is often anxiety and concern to optimize   abdominal trauma. The role of laparoscopy as the most
          the patient with the quickest possible intervention. It   sensitive detector of a breach of the peritoneum in pen-
          should be stated early in this discourse that there is no   etrating abdominal trauma is immediately apparent.  It
          role for laparoscopy in the management of the patient   is instructive that the authors reviewed equally acknowl-
          with abdominal trauma who is hemodynamically unsta-  edged the role of laparoscopy in diagnosis in blunt
          ble. The priority in this situation follows the standard   abdominal trauma.  Johnson et al  started their study on
          life-saving principles of resuscitation, with quick access   the established premise that diagnostic laparoscopy (DL)
          for hemostasis, which must in those situations be open   had decreased the rate of nontherapeutic laparotomies in
          surgery. Associated extraabdominal injuries like head   patients with penetrating abdominal injuries. They sort to
          injuries may also be worsened by the hemodynamic    determine whether DL similarly lowered nontherapeutic
          effects of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum and may   laparotomy in blunt abdominal injury. They found that
                                                              coupled with diagnostic computed tomography (CT)
                                                              scan, DL yielded a nontherapeutic laparotomy rate of 0%
           Surgeon                                            in patients with blunt abdominal trauma. They concluded
           Department of Surgery, NLNG Industrial Hospital, Bonny, Rivers   that when combined with CT scan, DL is a useful tool
           State, Nigeria                                     in the initial evaluation of patients with blunt abdomi-
           Corresponding Author: Michael Ikechukwu Nnamonu, Surgeon   nal trauma. Lee et al  had similar findings demonstrating
           Department of Surgery, NLNG Industrial Hospital, Bonny, Rivers   that the use of laparoscopy in patients with abdominal
           State, Nigeria, e-mail:
                                                              trauma safely decreased the laparotomy rate.
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