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                                                   Reviewing the Comparison of Robotic Colectomy with the Laparoscopic Ones

          Reviewing the Comparison of Robotic Colectomy with

          the Laparoscopic Ones of All the Procedures based on
          Determined Parameters

          1 Michail A Kirmanidis,  Christodoulos Keskinis

          ABSTRACT                                            domain.  Laparoscopic surgery (LS) for colon cancer
          Aim: The purpose of our systematic review is to clarify the   has a wide use due to its beneficial properties and has
          current data in the domain of colorectal surgery regarding  prevailed compared with open surgery. 9-15  However,
          minimally invasive surgery (MIS).                   robotic surgery (RS) has been recently introduced as a
          Introduction: Two new methods have been recently intro-  new contemporary alternative because of its obvious
          duced in the MIS arena. Most of the studies are in favor of  advantages, including the three-dimensional view, the
          robotic surgery (RS), whereas the literature lacks statistically  ability to use multidegree-of-freedom forceps, the elimi-
          significant results.                                nation of physiological tremors, and the stable camera
          Results:  Totally,  only  19  articles  fulfilled  the  prerequisites  control, in order to broaden the horizons of MIS. 3-5,16-19
          and our research was mainly based on meta-analyses. Some   Initially, it was expected that RS would dominate the field
          parameters  were  established,  in  order  to  investigate  the   of MIS related to colorectal surgery because of its obvious
          oncologic and clinical outcomes. Heterogeneity is the existing
          condition, which means that robotics is more beneficial than   structural advantages and due to the limited space in the
          laparoscopic surgery in some parameters in a specific proce-  pelvis for the laparoscopic instruments and the restricted
          dure and the opposite.                              potential of movements even for an experienced surgeon
          Conclusion: There is no clear conclusion in the literature   to perform rectal dissection.  However, it seems that
          whether RS is indeed more advantageous than laparoscopic  there is no clear-cut answer in the literature determining
          ones, so it is recommended that long-term meta-analyses and  the beneficial use of RS over LS in the field of colorectal
          reviews be conducted, in order to specify the effectiveness of   cancer. 20,21  In our review, we present the data regard-
          each method in every surgical procedure.
                                                              ing the use of both methods in the domain of colorectal
          Clinical significance: It would be really beneficial for the   surgery regarding all the surgical techniques. Accord-
          patients to be informed in detail of the clinical and oncologic   ing to the New York Statewide Planning and Research
          outcomes for each method.
                                                              Cooperative System administrative data, colectomy is
          Keywords: Colorectal malignancies, Comparison, Laparo-  one of the five most common laparoscopic procedures
          scopic, Robotic, Surgery, Systematic review.
                                                              between 2008 and 2012, so a comparison between the
          How to cite this article: Kirmanidis MA, Keskinis C. Reviewing   laparoscopic and robotic colectomy is a matter of big
          the Comparison of Robotic Colectomy with the Laparoscopic   significance and has to be clearly underscored.  The first
          Ones of All the Procedures based on Determined Parameters.
          World J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):61-65.                  robotic colectomy was reported in 2002, and the use of
                                                              robotic procedures has been increasing since then, while
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              it has a more extensive use in the field of urology. 3,17,23,24
          Conflict of interest: None                          This is a retrospective comprehensive review of various
                                                              publications comparing these two methods of surgical
          InTRODuCTIOn                                        procedures separately and taking into consideration
                                                              plenty of parameters, such as the clinical and the onco-
          Two different main surgical methods are emerging in   logic outcomes and how they can be affected, the body
          the field of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) over the   mass index (BMI), the total mean hospital costs for each
          past 20 years and they are being applied in colorectal   procedure, and postoperative complications. Only studies

                                                              that had classified their patients with similar criteria were
           1 Surgeon,  Intern                                 taken into consideration (gender, BMI, American Society
                                                              of Anesthesiologists [ASA] score, tumor location, previous
           1,2 Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Drama
           Drama, Greece                                      abdominal surgery).
           Corresponding Author: Michail A Kirmanidis, Surgeon   RESuLTS
           Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of
           Drama, Drama, Greece, Phone: +00302521350412, e-mail:   The review was built-up by downloading various articles
                                                              regarding  laparoscopic  and  robotic  colectomy  from
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):61-65                                61
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