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                                                   Reviewing the Comparison of Robotic Colectomy with the Laparoscopic Ones
          days to soft diet, the LOS, the hospital readmission, and   Table 1: Presentation of each one of the three meta-analyses
          the postoperative complications.  Based on this meta-                for every parameter
          analysis, the robotic approach showed longer operating                      1st Meta- 2nd Meta- 3rd Meta-
          times, less EBL, and a higher rate of conversion to an open   Parameters    analysis  analysis  analysis
                                                              Operative time
          procedure compared with that of LS.  Xu et al  considered   EBL             No      Yes      Yes
          in their meta-analysis which showed that RRC involves   Conversion to open procedure No  Yes  No
          longer operative times, lower EBL, shorter LOS, lower   Number of retrieved lymph   No  No   NA
          overall complications, and, importantly, faster bowel   nodes
          function recovery. The rest clinical and oncological results   LOS          No      No       Yes
          seem to not have any statistical difference. 7      Overall complications   No      No       Yes
             A newly comparative study by Cardinali et al  indi-  Financial expenses  No      NA       NA
          cates that RRC appears to have some advantages over   Bowel function        NA      No       Yes
                                                              Days of soft diet
          the LRC like the lower time of first flatus, but it does not   Hospital readmission  NA  No  NA
          offer any benefit in obese patients due to the fact that   Circumferential margin   NA  NA   NA
          both methods perform no significant difference in the   involvement
          conversion rate. Another comparative study points out   The meta-analyses are numbered according to their order in
          that the RS could also shorten the learning curve, in case   the text; NA: Not applicable
          the respective strict protocols are applied. 1
                                                              it easier to avoid the trauma to the nerves related to the
          DISCuSSIOn                                          sexual and urinary functions.  Fabrizio Luca presented a
                                                              paper in the 5th Congress of the Clinical Robotic Surgery
          In the field of colorectal cancer, LS and RS are both   Association (CRSA) and mentioned that RS can enhance
          considered almost equally safe and effective methods,   the nerve-sparing results of total mesorectal excision
          proving that radical prostatectomy was only the begin-  related to LS method regardless of the gender.  However,
          ning of consolidation of RS and the use of RS can be   during the paper’s discussion some doubts were posed
          more widespread. 3,7,17,24,26  Our research focuses on the   about the preoperative reliability of the evaluation of
          conventional laparoscopy and the RS as separate sur-  these specific functions (urinary and sexual), so that they
          gical methods and does not include their hybrid use.   become more standardized in the future.
          The confirmation of the existing heterogeneity between   Undoubtedly, right colectomy is a less complicated
          these two new surgical methods involves our reviewed   procedure than rectal resection, but the use of both RS
          parameters along with the clinicopathological, onco-  and LS has also been reviewed thoroughly. Two of the
          logical, and financial ones. The accurate choice of these   three recent meta-analyses concluded that there are some
          criteria was accomplished after a careful, long research   statistical differences between the RRC and the LRC in
          via recent meta-analyses, control and statistically reliable   some of our parameters. Both studies agree that RRC is
          comparative studies. 1,3,7,16,17,20,25  Mainly, meta-analyses   a longer procedure than LRC and that the EBL is less in
          were reviewed due to their credibility compared with   the RRC. Huirong Xu et al  deem that LOS, the overall
          other studies, which are reviewed and included in our   complications, and the bowel function differ between
          manuscript. More specifically, the criteria are presented   the two methods in an important way, whereas the other
          in Table 1, but the research contains the rectal and left-  respective meta-analysis’ results are considered controver-
          sided colon resections as well.                     sial. The results of these three meta-analyses are summa-
             Pelvis is the anatomical section of the human body  rized in Table 1 and the “YES” and “NO” are used as the
          where RS can be applied with its maximum benefits  answers to the question: “Is there a statistically significant
          according to its adopters, but controversial studies’  result between the RRC and LRC regarding to a specific
          results came up through our research. Studies which  parameter each time?” while the choice “not available
          did not end up with this conclusion were reviewed, but  (NA)” is used for whether or not in this particular meta-
          the most statistically reliable meta-analysis, the one by  analysis the mentioned appearing parameter is included.
          Sun et al,  clarifies the advantages of R-LAR over L-LAR   In the CRSA Fifth Worldwide Congress in Washington
          for the LOS as mentioned earlier. Another randomized  DC from 3 to 5 October 2013, a controlled randomized
          controlled study is in favor of the adoption of RS in rectal  trial ended up with the conclusion that RRC has no sig-
          surgery, but tempers the encouraging conclusion from the  nificant difference with the LRC and due to its expenses
          former meta-analysis.  The main reason why RS seems to  it should not be frequently used. 28
          be a more promising tool in the pelvis is because of the   The intro of a learner in the MIS can be easier for the
          absence of the tremor, which implies less EBL and makes  RRC than LRC in a specific center with rigorous protocols,
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):61-65                                63
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