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                                                                             Telerobotic Surgery: Transcending Barriers
          RevieW aRticLe

          Telerobotic Surgery: Transcending Barriers

          J Rohan Krishna

          ABSTRACT                                            in New York. Following this landmark event, telerobotic

          Telerobotic surgery has the potential to revolutionize the field   surgery has been performed in various places around the
          of medicine and health care delivery in the near future. Rapid  world with successful results.
          technological advancements have been made in the field of
          robotic surgery, and telerobotic surgery in particular. Through   AIM
          telerobotic surgery, it is possible to provide advanced surgical
          care to patients even in the remotest of places and for experi-  The aim of this article is to study the origin, implementa-
          enced surgeons to guide young surgeons to perform complex   tion, and latest advancements in the field of telerobotic
          surgeries. The aim of this study is to trace the origin, imple-
          mentation, and developments in the field of telerobotic surgery.  surgery.
          Keywords: Minimally invasive surgery, Robotic surgery, Telero-
          botic surgery, Telesurgery.                         MATERIALS AND METHODS
          How to cite this article: Krishna JR. Telerobotic Surgery:  A literature search was performed using PubMed and
          Transcending Barriers. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(2):57-60.  search engine Google. The following keywords were
          Source of support: Nil                              used “telerobotic surgery,” “robotic surgery,” and “tele-
                                                              surgery.” Selected papers were screened for further ref-
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              erences with respect to the origin, implementation, and
                                                              latest advancements in the field of telerobotic surgery.
          Technological advancements continue to occur at a  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
          rapid pace in all walks of life, and the field of surgery
          is no exception to it. Minimally invasive surgery that   A telerobotic system primarily consists of surgeon’s
                                                              “master” console from where the surgeon operates and
          has revolutionized the field of surgery offering distinct
          advantages over open surgery also has limitations   a patient-side “slave” unit that performs surgery on the
          like loss of dexterity and two-dimensional vision of   patient using robotic arms. In telerobotic surgery, the
          the operative field. Robotic surgery and telepresence   surgeon operates from the surgeon’s console, which is
          surgery have addressed the limitations of laparoscopic   thousands of miles away from the slave robotic arm
          procedures and have revolutionized the field of minimal   mounted on the patient; the surgeon’s commands are
          access surgery. In the early 1970s, NASA commissioned   relayed to the slave manipulator via fiberoptic cables.
          a project to perform surgeries on astronauts using   Two major factors impacting the outcome of telerobotic
          remotely controlled robots.  Kwoh et al  used a Robot-  surgery are data transmission speed  and communication
          Puma 200 and performed neurosurgical biopsies with   latency. Round-trip latency  represents the time interval
          greater precision. In 1988, ultrasound-guided prostatic   between the initiation of movement by the surgeon and
          resection  was done using PROBOT, a robotic system.   the appearance of image on the monitor.
          Real breakthrough in telerobotic surgery came in 2001   Professor Marescaux et al  performed the first success-
          when Professor Marescaux performed the first transat-  ful telerobotic surgery on September 7, 2001, which was
          lantic telesurgical procedure (Operation Lindbergh) on a   famously known as Operation Lindbergh. This surgery
          patient in France. Professor Marescaux et al  performed   was completed using a commercially available robotic
          laparoscopic cholecystectomy on a 68-year-old lady in   surgery system, called Zeus T, which featured a robotic
          Strasbourg, France, using a Zeus robotic system located   endoscope positioning system called AESOP (Automated
                                                              Endoscope System for Optimal Positioning). Professor
                                                              Marescaux et al  were able to minimize latency using a
           Senior Resident                                    dedicated multiservice transmission network provided
           Department of General Surgery, Karpagam Faculty of Medical   by France Telecom. First trial simulations of telesurgery
           Sciences & Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India  took place in 2000 with a transmission delay of 200 ms.
           Corresponding Author: J Rohan Krishna, Senior Resident   Subsequent work reduced the time delay to 150 ms even
           Department of General Surgery, Karpagam Faculty of Medical   though the round-trip distance was 14,000 km. Flawless
           Sciences & Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, e-mail:   network quality with guaranteed bandwidth of 10 mega-
                                                              bits per second and transmission delays of less than 200 ms
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):57-60                                57
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