Page 7 - Prospectus of MS in Minimal Access Surgery
P. 7
4. Demonstration of analytic and critical skills
5. Presentation
6. Clear and valid conclusions
7. Concise but appropriately detailed presentation within the set word limits
The thesis should be between 15,000 and 25,000 words in length and conform to the presentation and format
specifications given in the document "Thesis rules, regulations and format".
It will be assessed by two internal markers and an external examiner in accordance with the normal code of
practice and utilising the standard report form.
The practical skills assessment accounts for 20 of the available marks. The marked assessment will be the final
practical skills assessment. There will be three prior assessments which will guide the student as to their
progress, strengths and weaknesses.
Level of student achievement on assessment tasks and completion rates with
• comparison across modules
• Follow up questionnaire to graduates one year post qualification for final evaluation
• Research published
• Student attendance
• Number of enquiries from potential students, number of application and enrolments
• Analysis of previous experience and career aspirations of students
• Formal metrics analysis of selected acquired surgical skills
• Critical analysis of operative technique
A number of the resources of the Surgical Skills Unit will be available to the students. These will include basic
computer resources and access to the computer network, the surgical video library, and a collection of
specialised textbooks and journals. In addition the practical laboratory, standard endoscopic equipment, and
reality simulators will be used to gain practical skills.
1. This course undertaken over a period of one calendar year commencing in the month of admission.
2. There is no provision for any clinical responsibility as a component of the course.
3. Clinical teaching is limited to observation only, with the exception of the research element, which may
involve the supervised collection of patient data.
4. There is no provision for the continuation of a research project into a further academic year, though it is
envisaged that in exceptional circumstances this may be possible with the agreement of the course
5. There is no provision for re-examination of candidates in the event of failure to complete, or pass