Page 5 - Prospectus of MS in Minimal Access Surgery
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enhanced our international reputation as a leader in the field of minimal access surgical training. The quality
             of eSTEP of World Laparoscopy Hospital is at par with the eSTEP training of Royal college of Surgeons of

             The Degree course of MAS can be divided under four distinct areas:
             [A] Clinical observation and study
             [B] Taught Modules and Clinical Observation
             [C] The Research Dissertation
             [D] The Practical Skills Assessment

                                          A CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND STUDY
             The clinical attachment is an important aspect of the course, which anchors theoretical knowledge and
             practical skills in a clinical context. The clinical experience provided by the M.S.  degree course is limited to
             observation and assisting only. There is no facility for students to actively participate in patient care without
             supervision. In exceptional circumstances, and only if the student has the necessary qualifications and
             registration, and the full endorsement of Head of the department, will short periods of appropriate direct
             clinical experience be considered. The spectrum of clinical observation also include out-patient and ward
             based  activities,  to  facilitate  understanding  of  presentation,  diagnosis,  selection,  consent  and  outcome
             related to safe surgical practice and minimal access surgery.

             The  student  should  be  exposed  to  a  wide  range  of  MAS  including  laparoscopic,  thoracoscopic,
             retroperitoneoscopic  and  endoluminal  procedures.  This  should  not  be  limited  to  general  surgery  or
             gynecology, but should include sessions undertaken by other allied specialties.

                                                              The student will be required to keep a learning diary (log
                                                              book). This diary will form part of the assessment and
                                                              this  material  will  then  be  incorporated  into  the
                                                              assignments  relating  to  theoretical  teaching.  Students
                                                              will be expected to discuss their experience with their
                                                              peer group, and complete their clinical learning diary, to
                                                              position  the  theoretical  and  practical  elements  of  the
                                                              course in a clinical context.

                                                              This  meeting  will  also  function  as  a  vehicle  for  the
             allocation of students to clinical sessions, to ensure a fair and uniform opportunity without placing undue
             pressure on the resources available. Candidates would be able to observe minimal access surgery, on a
             regular  basis.  This  would  be  best  achieved  for  a  large  group,  by  utilizing  the  theatre  link  for  regular
             observation, which will be timetabled and supervised. Encouragement would be given to allow them to
             observe  minimal  access  techniques  in  other  specialties,  particularly  where  this  would  add  to  their
             knowledge and understanding.

             It is hoped that their skills could be developed to a level whereby they could act as course demonstrators, and
             in turn improve their own teaching skills.
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