Page 10 - Prospectus of MS in Minimal Access Surgery
P. 10

their research methodologies, presentation skills, and analytical and critical abilities, and to gain a degree of
                competence in Minimal Access Surgery. Admission to higher surgical training posts is highly competitive,
                and the gives a competitive advantage. Dissertations, which are prepared as part of the course, are regularly
                published by graduates or form the basis of presentations at national and international venues.
                The course definitely improves the candidate's ability to apply the fundamental ergonomics of laparoscopic
                techniques in a varied clinical environment. Minimal Access Surgical skill of candidate will definitely
                improve par excellence after this Master course. During training in M.S.   program, responsibilities of
                candidate will increase with experience, capability and performance. There is opportunity to increase your
                surgical, supervisory and teaching and administrative skills.

                The course is highly educational and incorporates the latest in MAS technology. There is a practical skills
                element to the course, which gives you hands-on simulator training and clinical attachment with expert
                Laparoscopic surgeon and is probably the most enjoyable part of the course. The course gives you an
                advantage on the competitive specialist post application in various job and posting because you have super
                specialized master degree from government recognized university and looks great on your CV.

                COURSE FEE

                The fee for Masters in Minimal Access Surgery Course is 15,000 USD for Overseas and Non Resident-Indian
                candidate and Rupees 6,95,000 for Indian Surgeons and Gynecologists. There is no initial registration

                Please  note  that  living  expenses  (Food,  Travel,  Stationary,  and  Laundry  etc.)  are  not  covered  in  the
                course fee. There is no extra charge to utilize hospital resources like internet, laparoscopic instruments,
                O.T. Dress, Library, Videos; DVDs.

                AWARD OF M.S. :
                The award of the MASTER IN MINIMAL ACCESS SURGERY from The Global Open Universitywill be
                conferred on satisfactory completion of:
                1. All assignments,
                2. A practical skills OSCE
                3. The submission of thesis.

                Certificate will be issued within a week of successful completion of the course.
                Peer Group Meetings
                These meetings will take place on a regular weekly basis, supervised by the Associate Director. They will be
                of 2-3 hour duration and will include;

                •    Journal Club
                •    Peer review discussion
                •    Video review
                •    Audit program
                A register of attendance will be kept. These meetings will form the basis of a regular student report, or
                learning diary, that must be kept regularly up to date & which forms one of the assignments.
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