Page 6 - Prospectus of MS in Minimal Access Surgery
P. 6

B. Taught Modules & Clinical Observation

                The assessment techniques utilised for the modules have varied according to subject matter, and have
                included written assignments, literature reviews, project reports, oral presentations and norm referenced
                skills assessments.

                The assignment design will encourage the demonstration of an understanding of how the theoretical aspects
                of the subject are integrated into clinical practice. Assessment of clinical observation is embedded in the
                assignments for the core modules as well as the presentation of the learning diary. The student will be asked
                to illustrate his or her work with examples from observed practice and to highlight the relevance of the
                theory to practice. In addition the student should demonstrate how his or her research topic is relevant to the
                advancement of the practice of minimal access surgery.

                Students must pass each assessment in order to qualify for their MMAS degree. Students failing to meet the
                required standard at first submission of an assignment will have one opportunity to re submit

                                                  C. The Research Dissertation
                Each individual student is invited to submit a proposal for their research project at the start of the course. The
                initial project interview should take place within 2 weeks of the start of the academic year, with a further 2-4
                week period to allow the student to develop and refine their chosen topic.

                1.   Relevant to MAS
                2.   Original
                3.   Achievable within constraints of scope, time and finance
                4.   Statistically sound
                5.   Publishable in peer review journal

                In the event of the student not being able to formulate a satisfactory project, a choice of potential topics will
                be offered. Once the topic has been decided, an appropriate research supervisor will be allocated.
                Candidates will be expected to present their research progress periodically throughout the academic year. A
                brief written report of 500 words, describing progress, difficulties, and expected milestones, should be
                submitted to the Director every 10 weeks. Full guidelines for the thesis are given in a separate document,
                "Thesis rules, regulations and format", which is issued to the students at the start of the degree course.

                All assignments, including the Thesis, will be submitted to the Associate Director, who will then distribute
                these to the appropriate persons for marking. Assignments should be submitted in electronic form, on
                floppy disk or CD. It is the responsibility of the individual student to retain a backup copy. In the case of non-
                written assignments, such as presentations, the relevant computer files should be submitted.

                The research dissertation will account for 50% of the marks. Marks will be allocated to:
                1.   The research plan, relevance, feasibility, clarity, validity
                2.   The literature review, adequate and critical coverage
                3.   Research question and appropriate methodology
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