Page 33 - WJOLS - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Balachandran Premkumar, Subhankar Paul
                                                              procedure argue that it is easy to perform and can be used
                                                              to protect the esophagus following myotomy. 27
                                                                 Additionally, it has been suggested that the retro-
                                                              esophageal dissection required for a Toupet procedure
                                                              may increase the incidence of postoperative dysphagia.
                                                              Despite the controversy, laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy
                                                              is most often accompanied by an anterior fundoplication.
                                                                 Laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy with anterior fundo-
                                                              plication significantly relieves the symptoms of achalasia
                                                              without causing the symptoms of GERD and results in
                                                              excellent overall patient satisfaction. 28,29
                                                                 Laparoscopic Heller-Dor operation has the advantages
                                                              of reduced compromise of the cardiopulmonary func-
                                                              tion, with less disruption of the supporting structures
                    Fig. 3: Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy 25     (phreno-esophageal membrane) of the antireflux mecha-
                                                              nism, requiring simpler general anesthesia and providing
             which may increase the difficulty of Heller myotomy if  excellent exposure permitting an easy fundoplication,
             the surgery is needed later.  There have been reports  less pain and reduced morbidity, shorter hospitalization,
             of GERD after pneumatic dilatation in some patients. 19  and faster convalescence. 23,28

          SURGERY                                             Robotics in Achalasia
          Surgical myotomy (Heller’s myotomy) provides greater   Robot-assisted  laparoscopic  Heller’s  myotomy  was
          benefit than either botulinum toxin or dilatation in those   demonstrated to be safe and effective in reducing basal
          who fail medical management. 20,21  Heller’s myotomy helps   LES pressure and dysphagia. Several studies support
          90% of achalasia patients.  The myotomy is a lengthwise   the feasibility of the use of this system in performing
          cut along the esophagus, starting above the LES and   a delicate laparoscopic surgical procedure. The use
          extending down onto the stomach a little way leaving the   of a robotic system was experienced as being highly
          inner mucosal layer intact. Laparoscopic management of   supportive in manipulation and visualization by the
          achalasia leads to short-term results comparable to those   surgical team involved. 30
          of the well-established conventional open technique.
          Heller’s myotomy for achalasia performed laparoscopi-  Per-oral Endoscopic Myotomy
          cally offers patients significant benefits compared with   Per-oral endoscopic myotomy is a new technique of
          open surgery. In view of the less severe surgical trauma                                     31
          and lower hospital cost, the laparoscopic approach is   performing esophageal myotomy at the LES.  In this
                                                              technique, an endoscope is passed into the esophagus
          preferable.  A partial fundoplication or “wrap” is gener-
          ally added in order to prevent excessive reflux (Fig. 3). 24,25  and an opening is made in the esophageal mucosa a few
                                                              centimeters above the LES to create a tunnel within the
          LAPAROSCOPIC CARDIOMYOTOMY                          wall of the esophagus (between the inner lining of the
                                                              esophagus and the outer muscle layer of the esophagus).
          Surgical Issues                                     The endoscope is then advanced into the tunnel, and the

          In view of the concern of postoperative reflux as well as   circular muscle of the esophagus is cut using an elec-
          the relative ease of performing an antireflux procedure, a   trocautery device that is passed through the endoscope.
          fundoplication procedure is added to most laparoscopic   Per-oral endoscopic myotomy is considered an effective
          Heller’s myotomies.  However, the issue of what type of   approach for the treatment of achalasia, which improves
          fundoplication should be performed is controversial.    esophageal emptying and lowers LES pressure, and
          Anterior fundoplication and the Toupet posterior fun-  thereby relieves the symptoms of achalasia. However,
          doplication are the two commonly employed antireflux   only limited centers and expert endoscopists are per-
          procedures used in conjunction with a laparoscopic   forming the procedure right now and further trials and
          esophagomyotomy.                                    long-term follow-up is required.
             Proponents of the Toupet procedure argue that it pre-
          vents reapproximation of the myotomy and may be better   FOLLOW-UP
          than an anterior fundoplication in preventing postoperative  Even after successful treatment of achalasia, swallowing
          GERD, whereas the advocates of the anterior fundoplication  may still deteriorate over time.  Therefore, the esophagus
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