Page 15 - WJOLS - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 15

Mohammad O Tabrez et al
          umbilicus and epigastrium and 5-mm ports are placed  surgery and limits the use of these minimally invasive
          at right midclavicular below subcostal margin and ante-  techniques to a few centers. Two-port mini LC scores over
          rior/midaxillary line at level of umbilicus (Fig. 1). The  the conventional techniques as it requires minimal new
          main advantages of laparoscopic surgery include better  instruments and can be performed at all laparoscopic
          cosmetic results, decreased postoperative pain, faster  centers without any new cost inputs and simultaneously
          functional recovery, and less complications as compared  to achieve the goal of minimal access surgery.
          with the open surgery.                                 Operative time varies with different studies as few
                                                              require less and few more than the conventional tech-
          Two-port Mini LC                                    nique. 10-14  The operative difficulty is based on the status
                                                              of gallbladder, adhesions around the gallbladder fossa,
          In two-port laparoscopic surgery, one 10-mm port is
          placed at umbilical area and one 5-mm epigastric port is   Calot’s triangle, and cystic duct anatomy. The conversion
                                                              rates from two-port mini LC to four-port LC and open
          placed to the left of the falciform ligament. One special   cholecystectomy in many studies are in the range of 23 to
          2.3-mm alligator graspers (Stryker Corporation, USA)   38%. 13,15,16  The main reasons for conversions are difficult
          (Fig. 2) is used transabdominally for grasping the Hart-  anatomy due to dense inflammation from cholecystitis,
          mann pouch of the gallbladder for its retraction and   common bile duct injury, and instrument failure. A
          manipulation respectively. Using the standard Maryland   planned two-port surgery must be given up in the event
          laparoscopic instrument, the cystic duct and artery are   of such difficult anatomy on initial diagnostic exploration
          dissected as in the four-port technique. For clipping the   to proceed further with conversion. 17,18
          cystic duct and artery, a 5-mm clip applicator was used
          with 200-mm clips. In case of wider cystic duct, single  Single-incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
          hand suturing of the duct was done with 2/0 silk. The  or Single-port Access
          structures are divided and dissection proceeded by   It proposes a single site port placement, and it is in or
          reversing the laparoscope and dissecting instruments   around umbilicus using a special port devices. This
          to their original sites. Gallbladder specimen is retrieved   usually requires a larger skin incision of 20 mm. However,
          through the umbilical port by railroad technique or using   the technique is more demanding as dissection becomes
          5-mm 30° scope through the epigastric port and 10-mm   more difficult due to clashing of instruments, loss of
          jaw forceps from the umbilical port.                normal triangulation, restricted vision, and depth of dis-
             In two-port mini LC when compared with SILC,     section. A special large port, angulated instruments, and
          surgery becomes much easier due to restoration of trian-  scopes are needed for better dissection (Fig. 3). All these
          gulation, and learning curve becomes shorter; however,   factors lead to a steeper learning curve and increase the
          it causes minimal violation of anterior abdomen due to   risk of large scar due to 20-mm port than conventional
          less number of port and sizes leading to lesser postopera-  port or two-port LC. It increases the postoperative pain
          tive pain and less cosmesis when compared with SILC  as compared with SILC due to larger port size, and also
          or four-port LC.  With the newer techniques, the need  there is increased wound-related complications including
          for more sophisticated instruments escalates the cost of  hernia formation. 4

                       Fig. 1: Port placement in CLC                     Fig. 2: Mini alligator for two-port LC

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