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                                                                     Laparoscopic Management of Hirschsprung’s Disease

          Laparoscopic Management of Hirschsprung’s Disease

          KM Rita

          ABSTRACT                                            Surgery, Indian Journal of Paediatric Surgery, Seminars in

          Laparoscopy  has  improved  the  outcome  and  manage-  Paediatric Surgery, and Annals of Surgery. The research
          ment of Hirschsprung’s disease. The most commonly seen  gave a wide range of research material of which relevant
          Hirschsprung’s disease with transition zone in the rectosigmoid   articles were selected. The criteria for selection of papers
          is done in the neonatal period as one-stage transanal endorec-
          tal pull-through (ERPT) procedure. In all other children, it must   were the number of cases included in the study and the
          be one-stage laparoscopy-assisted transanal pull-through pro-  duration of study.
          cedure. Advantage of a laparoscopic procedure is that a biopsy   Swenson and Bill  described surgery for Hirschsprung’s
          report of the level of transition zone and the normal ganglionic   disease. Ever since, surgery has remained the cornerstone
          segments is obtained before the dissection is begun. It allows
          peritoneal dissection and isolation of marginal artery under   for treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease. At the outset,
          vision. Also adequate length of colon can be dissected free of  the surgical procedure was a three-stage procedure. It
          the attachments under vision.                       involved the formation of colostomy and after a period
          Keywords: Hirschsprungs disease, Laparoscopy, Transition  of colonic washouts, the second stage of anorectal pull-
          zone.                                               through was done, keeping a protective colostomy and
          How to cite this article: Rita KM. Laparoscopic Management  later, in a third stage, closure of the colostomy was done.
          of Hirschsprung’s Disease. World J Lap Surg 2017;10(3):91-94.
                                                                 Soave  described the endorectal pull-through pro-
          Source of support: Nil                              cedure to exclude the disadvantages inherent to pelvic
          Conflict of interest: None                          dissection.
                                                                 Duhamel  described his procedure of rectal pull-
          INTRODUCTION                                        through and anastomosing with a part of aganglionic
                                                              rectum longitudinally. Later surgeons started removing
          Twenty-five years back in the postoperative ward of our
          pediatric surgical unit, there would have been at least one   the colostomy along with the pull-through procedure and
          child with both legs and arms tied to the four posts of a   the surgery became a two-stage procedure.
          bed, and a pair of straight arteries, larger than the child,   The open abdominal procedure with anorectal
          stuck into the anus, and the anxious and frightened mother   pull-through was associated with various complica-
          standing beside the bed with her hand stuck to the chin.   tions. As it was the staged procedure and colostomy
          Anybody can read what is happening in that mother’s   was done first, the complications inherent to colostomy
          mind. This was the situation of a child with Hirschsprung’s   like stenosis, prolapse, and abdominal excoriation were
          disease. Thanks to the gastrointestinal stapler, this situa-  prone to occur even before the definitive procedure.
          tion soon changed. In this article, I am reviewing various   The complications of laparotomy like wound infec-
          articles and studies to evaluate, further, how laparoscopy   tions, intra-abdominal and pelvic abscesses, wound
          has influenced the treatment of these children.     dehiscence, leak at the anastomotic site, leading to long
                                                              hospital stay, and delayed complications like intestinal
          AIM                                                 adhesions and stenoses at the anastomotic site needed
                                                              repeated hospital admissions. Enterocolitis was another
          To assess whether laparoscopy has influence on the   major problem and patients developed enterocolitis
          outcome of treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease.
                                                              before and after surgery.
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                                  Fontana et al  in a study of 82 infants who had under-
                                                              gone Soave or Duhamel open procedures were reviewed
          Research materials taken are the various articles pub-  after 20 years. They found only 60 and 67% of the chil-
          lished in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Journal of Paediatric   dren had an uneventful recovery; 20 and 29% of them
                                                              needed reoperation, and short-term continence for
                                                              both was around 50% and became 100% continent about
                                                              15 years of age.
           Department of General Surgery, ESI Hospital, Ernakulam   So et al  published that Hirschsprung’s disease in
           Kerala, India
                                                              the newborn does not mandate the performance of a
           Corresponding Author:  KM  Rita,  Surgeon,  ESI  Hospital   preliminary colostomy. They treated enterocolitis by a
           Ernakulam, Kerala, India, e-mail: drrita2310@
                                                              precise regimen of colonic irrigations and then did the
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2017;10(3):91-94                        91
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