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                                         Diagnostic Laparoscopy as an Effective Tool in Evaluation of Intra-abdominal Malignancies
             A sampling of retroperitoneal lymph nodes, hepatic  removal of the uterus and adnexa, and retroperitoneal
          biopsy and direct visualization of the abdominal cavity  lymph node sampling are done under surgical staging.
          in association with bone marrow aspiration or biopsy  Laparoscopic-assisted surgical staging has been proposed
          may accomplish laparoscopic staging.                as an alternative to laparotomy by combining operative
             Routine laparoscopic staging for Hodgkin’s disease  laparoscopy and vaginal hysterectomy, for patients early
          has shown unsuspected hepatic involvement in 6% of  stage endometrial carcinoma.
          patients and occult splenic involvement in 13% and has   Assessment of the intraperitoneal cavity, sampling
          allowed stage upgrading in 23% of patients undergoing  through peritoneal washings and definite removal of the
          laparoscopic evaluation. Involvement of the liver was  adnexa are possible in surgical laparoscopy. 49
          present in 20% of patients of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,   Clinical outcomes and hospital charges were com-
          which further proves the greater systemic involvement  pared by Gemignani et al.  for 320 patients with endo-
          of this type of lymphoma.                           metrial cancer staged by laparoscopy versus traditional
             Conlon et al.  reported a series of 55 laparoscopic  laparotomy.  An incidence of fewer complications, shorter
          procedures performed in patients with diagnosed or  inpatient stay, and overall reduced hospital charges was
          suspected lymphomas, in which the use of laparoscopy in  observed in patients who underwent laparoscopy in
          the diagnosis of abdominal lymphomas was established.  comparison to those who underwent laparotomy. There
          Patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy for  was no statistically significant difference noted in the
          lymphoma may be reassessed using laparoscopy for a  recurrence rates between the two groups.
          second evaluation when imaging studies suggest recur-
          rence in the abdominal cavity, as an addition to initial  Port-site recurrence
          staging and diagnosis.                              There was an initial concern of higher rates of port site
             Minimally invasive procedures for lymphoma may   recurrence after staging laparoscopy despite the asso-
          offer a mean to minimize the interval between diagnosis,   ciation of the procedure with a low (1–2%) rate of major
          restaging, and beginning of chemo-radiotherapy when   morbidity.
          indicated, although this was not evaluated in prospec-  Dobronte et al. first reported a case of port-site tumor
          tive studies. Reduced pain, reduced inpatient hospital   recurrence 2 weeks after laparoscopy in a patient with
          stay, sooner resumption of normal activities and ability   malignant ascites.  Albeit there has been no docu-
          to initiate chemotherapy earlier than after laparotomy   mentation of increased port site recurrence following
          make laparoscopy a better choice in the diagnosis and   staging laparoscopy as compared with laparotomy, with
          staging of a patient with lymphoma. 47
                                                              improved expertise and use of an impervious barrier bag
                                                              for organ retrieval.
                                                                 Hence, it may be concluded that laparoscopic staging
          Application of staging laparoscopy in gynecological  appears safe from an oncologic point of view, since port
          malignancies has a promising future and is expected to  site implantation is uncommon, differs from traditional
          metamorphose numerous aspects of its management.    open surgical incision recurrence and reflects biological
                                                              behavior of the diseases instead of the type of surgery.
          Ovarian Cancer
          Historically, laparoscopy was used for patients with
          ovarian cancer in one of two settings: 48,49        In spite of currently available standard radiological tests
          •  Before the initiating chemotherapy in patients whose  such as USG, CT and MRI which are useful in staging the
             initial laparotomy was believed to be inadequate  abdominal malignancies, a significant percentage of cases
          •  For reevaluation procedures to determine whether  prove to be inoperable because of metastatic or locally
             patients had persistent disease after completing their  advanced disease. Hence diagnostic/staging laparoscopy
             primary chemotherapy.                            is very useful in preventing non-therapeutic laparotomies
             Ozols et al.  reported a 55% false-negative rate for  in these patients and also helps in appropriate palliation
          laparoscopy compared with laparotomy and underscored  of symptoms.
          the need for laparotomy in patients who appear disease-
          free at laparoscopy.                                CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE
                                                              Diagnostic laparoscopy helps in accurate staging of the
          Endometrial Cancer
                                                              tumor, avoidance of non-therapeutic laparotomies in
          In 1998, the staging of endometrial cancer changed  patients with metastatic disease and thus, decreasing the
          from a clinical to a surgical system. Peritoneal washing,  morbidity in such patients. It also helps in the selection
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):68-75                                73
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