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Evaluation of Abdominal Malignancies by Minimal Access Surgery
            The usefulness and efficacy of laparoscopy as a preoperative tool   Thorough evaluation of peritoneal surfaces, omentum,
            in the management of intra-abdominal malignancy for diagnosis,   presence of ascitic fluid, supra/intrahepatic spaces, surface of the
            evaluation, staging, and therapeutic assessment are the areas which   bowel, lesser sac, root of the transverse mesocolon, small bowel,
            need appraisal and analysis to standardize the procedure and bring   ligament of Treitz, abdominal lymph nodes, paracolic gutters
            into a more frequent use.                          and pelvis, prior to any manipulation, ascites when present, fluid
               This study explores the applications of laparoscopy with   was sent for cytological examination, biopsies were done for any
            imaging studies in staging and diagnosis of abdominal malignancy   suspicious abdominal lesions, findings of laparoscopy and imaging
            and its advantages over only imaging studies and conventional   modalities were correlated and further management of the patient
            laparotomy, and it seeks to suggest implementation of a defined   was decided.
            protocol in mandating diagnostic laparoscopy as a necessary
            diagnostic tool before an explorative laparotomy.
                                                               observAtIons And results
                                                               This prospective study was carried out from July 2013 till October
            AIm And objectIves                                 2016. A total of 250 patients with abdominal malignancies were
            To assess the role of diagnostic staging laparoscopy in abdominal   enrolled in the study. The observations have been shown in the
            malignancies. To evaluate the role of laparoscopy as a diagnostic   form of charts and tables for ease of understanding as follows.
            tool in abdominal malignancies. To compare the findings of   Most of the cases were of colorectal malignancies followed by
            laparoscopy with noninvasive imaging modalities and assess the   gastric malignancy. The mean age of presentation was 52 years,
            efficacy of laparoscopy as a definitive tool in the evaluation of   with a range between 16 years and 80 years. In our study, out of 250
            staging and operability before definitive intervention.  patients, 175 (70%) were males and 75 (30%) were females. Among
                                                               250 patients, all patients presented with loss of appetite and weight,
            mAterIAls And methods                              204 (81.6%) presented with pain in abdomen, 124 (49.6%) with lump
            This study was a prospective observational study. The study was   in abdomen, 110 (44%) with vomiting, 52 (20.8%) with jaundice, 91
            conducted in the Department of Surgery, AVBRH, Sawangi (Meghe),   (36.4%) with Malena, 79 (31.6%) with hematochezia, and 98 (39.2%)
            Wardha. The sample size taken was 250. It was calculated according   with altered bowel habits (Fig. 1).
            to the formula stated below:                          The distribution of abdominal malignancies based on the type
                                                               of cancer was as follows. Out of 250 patients, 105 (42%) patients were
                                                               of colorectal malignancy, 67 (26.8%) patients were of carcinoma
                                                               stomach, 23 (9.2%) patients were of biliary tract tumors, 9 (3.6%)
                                                               patients were of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 7 (2.8%) patients
            n   = sample size,  Z   = standard normal distribution  = 1.96,   were of periampullary carcinoma, 19 (7.6%) patients were of
            P   = expected beneficial population  = 20%,  d   = absolute   carcinoma head of pancreas, and 9 (3.6%) patients were of ovarian

            precision = 5% points (15%–25%), and N = (1.96 × 1.96) × 0.2 × (0.8)/  malignancy. Six (2.4%) patients had presentation of metastatic
            (0.05 × 0.05) = 245.86 = 246                       disease with unknown primary. In these six cases, with the help
               The ethical committee clearance was taken. The duration of   of radiology, through endoscopic evaluation and tumor markers,
            the study was 3.5 years (July 2013–October 2016).  tissue diagnosis could not be obtained, and the source of primary
                                                               could not be detected. Out of five (2%) patients in other groups,
            Inclusion Criteria                                 one had duodenal malignancy, one had jejunal malignancy, one
            Patients of abdominal malignancies who were fit for anesthesia   had ileal malignancy, and two cases were of undescended testis
            and had given consent for the procedure.           (abdominal) harboring malignancy. Out of 105 cases of colorectal
                                                               malignancies, 54 (22%) cases were of carcinoma colon, including
            Exclusion Criteria                                 carcinoma appendix and caecum and 51 (20.4%) cases were of
            Patients with prior multiple surgeries, gross ascites, ASA grade >III,   rectal malignancy. Out of 23 cases of biliary tract tumors, 15 (6%)
            performance scale: Karnofsky grade <50.            cases were of gall bladder carcinoma, and 8 (3.2%) cases were of
                                                               cholangiocarcinoma (Fig. 2).
            Tools and Methods                                     The distribution of abdominal malignancies based on the
            Diagnostic laparoscopy, various imaging modalities (USG/CT/MRI),   radiological stage of the cancer was as follows. Out of 250 patients,
            histopathological/cytological examination, intraoperative findings.   30 (12%) patients were in stage I, 122 (48.8%) patients were in stage
            The tools and procedures were standardized and were performed   II, 92 (36.8.8%) patients were in stage III, and 6 (2.4%) patients were
            by a single operator from the concerned department.  in stage IV (Fig. 3).
                                                                  The distribution of abdominal malignancies according to the
            Technique                                          stage of the cancer based on laparoscopy was as follows. Out of
            As per the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic   250 patients, 12 (4.8%) patients were in stage I, 69 (27.6%) patients
            Surgeons (SAGES) Guidelines. After complete history-taking and   were in stage II, 77 (30.8%) patients were in stage III, and the remaining
            thorough clinical examination, patients with suspected abdominal   most of the patients were in stage IV, i.e., 92 (36.8%) (Table 1).
            malignancies were subjected to the following investigations.  After comparing radiological and laparoscopic staging, after
                                                               diagnostic laparoscopy, a considerable number of cases getting
            Investigations                                     diagnosed at stage IV as the p  value is quite significant. The
            Hematological investigations, tumor marker, chest X-ray, abdomen   sensitivity of diagnostic laparoscopy in the overall abdominal
            USG, abdomen CT/MRI/MRCP, upper and lower GI endoscopy,   malignancy is 93.88%, specificity 54.44%, and diagnostic accuracy
            biopsy, and histopathological examination.         68.91%. After comparing radiological and laparoscopic staging,

            116   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)
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