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Laparoscopic Management of Polypoidal Lesions of the Stomach
            Table 1: Workup and management in our four patients
                 Workup            In three patients (2M, 1F)           In one patient (1M)
            1    OGD scopy findings   3–3.5, 4, and 4.5 cm single sessile polyp arising   Large, single, mobile, pendunculated polyp in
                 (Fig. 1)          from the fundus and proximal body near   antrum with thick stalk in mid-body, prolapsing into
                                   greater curvature of the stomach in three patients  part 1 of duodenum causing intermittent gastric outlet
                                   respectively                         obstruction, with solid food residue in fundus and body
            2    Biopsy report     Gastric submucosal lesion? GIST in all three patients Tubulovillous type of adenomatous polyp
            3    CT scan findings (Fig. 2)  Single, soft tissue attenuating lesion of respec-  An enhancing polypoidal mass in the gastric antrum,
                                   tive dimensions arising in fundus and proximal   extending and prolapsing into the proximal duode-
                                   body near greater curvature of the stomach   num, 7.8 × 4 cm, without calcifications, necrosis within.
                                   with no evidence of LNs or surrounding tissue   Adjoining fat planes well maintained with no evidence
                                   involvement                          of perigastric adenopathy. The stomach distended with
                                                                        food residue
            4    Surgical procedure   Laparoscopic wedge resection of the stomach    Laparoscopic anterior wall gastrotomy with
                 undertaken        using linear stapler                 polypectomy
            5    Final histopathological   Gastric GIST in all three patients  Adenomatous polyp with no evidence of malignancy
                 examination (HPE)                                      (Fig. 3)

            Figs 1A to G: Preoperative esophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD scopy) pictures

            112   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)
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