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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Gombe, Nigeria
                                                               also seen in a report by Afuwape et al.   The duration of LC was
                                                               73 (±17.4) minutes while OC was 92 (±28.0) minutes and was
                                                               not statistically significant. The duration of LC was longer than
                                                               47 minutes recorded by Salam et al.   The prolonged duration
                                                               was due to the learning curve and some technical issues, such as
                                                               instrument malfunction and unstable power supply. However, it
                                                               is comparable to other studies.      The mean length of hospital
                                                               stay for LC was 5.8 (±5.5) days while for OC it was 10 (±8.5) days.
                                                               This was longer than those seen in other studies         but shorter
                                                               than 7.5 days seen in Afuwape et al.   Some centers perform LC as
                                                               a day-case.      Being a new procedure, we were cautious to avoid
                                                               rejection, hence the long duration of hospital stay.
                                                                  All patients had paracetamol and pentazocine injections
            Fig. 1: Pie chart shows 68% of LC and 32% of OC    postoperatively and so there was no difference in the postoperative
            Table 1: Comparison of laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy in   analgesia. There was no conversion to open in our study which was
            Gombe, Nigeria                                     in keeping with a study by Ekwunife et al.   However, the conversion
                                                               rate in other studies ranges from 1.9 to 9.1%.      There was no
                                  Laparoscopic  Open           mortality as also seen in a report by Misauno.   The challenges we
            Males                 7             3              encountered, apart from those earlier mentioned, include lack of
            Females               8             4              appropriate instruments, inadequate laparoscopic towers, and
            Total                 15 (68%)      7 (32%)        inadequate supporting staff. The limitations of this study include
            Age in years (mean)   18–53 (38)    30–70 (41)     poor record keeping and low volume of patients.
            Duration of surgery   75.3          92.1
            (minutes)                                          conclusIon
            Hospital stay (days)  5.8           11             This study did not establish the superiority of LC over OC, may be
            Postoperative analgesia  Pentazocine    Pentazocine and   because it is still a new procedure in our environment. However, LC
                                  and PCM       PCM            is very safe and has a good outcome in our environment, despite
            Postoperative         Paralytic ileus  Postoperative   our challenges. Patient selection may have accounted for the
            complication                        adhesion
                                                               favorable results. More surgeons should be trained in this aspect
                                                               and we will recommend that it be integrated in the residency
            was 39 years. The indications were for symptomatic gallstones in   program.
            all patients except in one which was for an acalculous cholecystitis.
               The LC were 15 (68%), of which seven were males and eight were
            females, while the age range was 18–53 years (mean = 38 years).  clInIcAl sIgnIfIcAnce
            The OC were seven (32%) with three males and four females, and   LC is still nascent and has not been studied in our environment. This
            the age was between 30 and 70 years (mean = 41 years) (Fig. 1). The   study affirms the safety of this procedure, but fails to establish its
            duration of the procedure for LC was 45–105 minutes with a mean   superiority over OC.
            of 73 (±17.4) minutes, while for OC it was 60–135 minutes and the
            mean was 92 (±28.0) minutes, with a p  value of 0.066, which was not   AcknowledgMent
            statistically significant. The length of hospital stay was 3–14 days
            with a mean of 5.8 (±5.5) days for LC, while OC had a hospital stay of   We wish to acknowledge Prof. Philip Mshelbwala for his immense
            4–23 days and the mean was 10 (±8.5) days. The p  value was 0.433   contribution.
            and was equally not statistically significant (Table 1).
               One patient in the LC group developed paralytic ileus   references
            postoperatively while one in the OC group developed postoperative     1.  Taki-Eldin A, Badawy AE. Outcome of laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            adhesion. There was no conversion from LC to OC, no difference in   in patients with gallstone disease at a secondary level care
            postoperative analgesia, no surgical site infection noted, and no   hospital. Arq Bras Cir Dig 2018;31(1):e1347. DOI: 10.1590/0102-
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            The low volume of patients can be explained by the rarity of     3.  Lombardo S, Rosenberg JS, et al. Cost and outcomes of open vs
            these cases in our environment.   Although the trend is changing,   laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Mongolia. J Surg Res 2018;229:
            especially with the introduction of LC.                 186–191. DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.03.036.
               The female-to-male ratio was 1.2:1 as against 5:1 seen in     4.  Hussain A, Mahmood HK, et al. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            other studies.      This was surprising since gallstones were more   can be safely performed in a resource-limited setting: the first 49
            common in females than in males. It could be that less females   laparoscopic cholecystectomies in Yemen. JSLS 2008;12(1):71–76.
            presented due to may be religious and/or cultural reasons. The     5.  Sanogo ZZ, Sangare D, et al. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The first
                                                                    30 cases in Bamako. Mali Med 2006;21(2):15–22.
            mean age was 39 years as seen also in a study by Asuquo et al.        6.  Ekwunife CN, Njike CI. Intent at day case laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            Symptomatic gallstones were the indication in all patients except   in owerri, Nigeria: initial experiences. Nig J Surg 2013;19(1):16–18. DOI:
            in one which was for an acalculous cholecystitis. The same was   10.4103/1117-6806.111501.
                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 11 Issue 3 (September–December 2018)  133
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