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            Role of Robotic Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology in India

            R Anjali

             Aim: This article aimed to study the role of robotic surgery in gynecologic oncology in India over the past decade.
             Background: Different randomized and observational, retrospective and prospective studies that met the eligibility criteria were included. Various
             parameters were compared between robotic and laparoscopic surgeries. The different parameters evaluated in the studies were operative time,
             estimated blood loss, hospital stay, complications, conversion rates, so on and so forth. Nodal yield, vaginal margin and paracervical clearance
             were studied in a few of them. PubMed was the main search engine utilized for searching the study data.
             Review results: After careful analysis of the data, it was noted that the complication rate, blood loss, and postsurgery hospitalization were
             significantly lower with robotics, whereas some inconsistencies were noted regarding the operating time.
             Conclusion: India is notably at the brink of a revolution. The need of the hour is to make this new surgically innovative technology accessible
             to all—to the surgeons as well as the patients.
             Clinical significance: Critical analysis of robotic surgeries in gynecology in Indian setting has been done. This would help in planning adoption
             and training of this upcoming domain.
             Keywords: Da vinci robotic surgical system, Gynecologic oncology, Robotic surgery.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2018): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1345

            IntroductIon                                         Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sapthagiri Institute of
            In recent times, through robotic surgery, medical quality of care has   Medical Sciences and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
            taken a giant leap towards the better though limited at present by   Corresponding Author: R Anjali, Department of Obstetrics and
            cost factor. Robotic surgery has superseded laparoscopic surgeries   Gynecology, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
            due to various reasons such as 3D vision, tremor filtering, precise   Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, Phone: +91 8431974145, e-mail:
            movements of the instruments with seven degrees of movement
            and many others. The state-of-art da Vinci robotic surgical system   How to cite this article: Anjali R. Role of Robotic Surgery in Gynecologic
            (DRS) heralds the beginning of a new era which could possibly   Oncology in India. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(3):135–137.

            mean the end of laparoscopic and open surgeries as we know them.  Source of support : Nil

               There are innumerable robots in the USA alone with an   Conflict of interest: None
            exponential rise in their utilization rates. Their popularity has also
            spread to Europe, Asia and Australia. Currently in India, robotic   with seven degrees of freedom; so on and so forth.  Owing to
            surgery is in the early developmental and adaptive phase. As per   the aforementioned reasons, this master-slave surgical robot has
            the data for this year, there are 19 robots in India—in New Delhi,   widespread applications in all surgical fields, especially where
            Gurugram, Mumbai, Chennai, Nadiad, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad.   intracorporeal suturing is required as it provides unmatched
            The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, has   meticulous anatomy of the surgical field of interest. When a complex
            contributed a lot to the progress in robotic surgery in our country. It   condition is encountered in clinical practice, it is our general
            was here that the first robotic prostatectomy in India was performed   tendency to avoid MAS and proceed with open surgeries. This is
            in July 2006.  From then on, the trend is catching on but financial   where the robots step in and prove as a very valuable tool for a
            constraint is the main limitation. The future prospects with new   better outcome with minimal chances of complication.
            upcoming robots do sound promising.                   From a patient’s point of view, owing to the higher cost one
                                                               may feel that it is indeed a marketing strategy. But there are many
            robotIc surgery vs LApAroscopIc                    evidence-based studies that establish advantages to the patient
            ApproAch                                           without any element of doubt. DRS needs smaller incisions, has
                                                               lesser blood loss, shorter hospital stay and is associated with less
            The major contributing factor to the unprecedented explosion in   pain. 3
            the use of robotic surgery is its unquestionable superiority over
            conventional laparoscopic surgery. It basically overcomes most of
            the limitations of laparoscopic surgery. It offers many advantages   InItIAtIon of robotIc surgery
            to the surgeon as well as the patient. Unlike laparoscopy (which has   The DRS was brought into the market by Intuitive Surgical
            a disheartening learning curve), open surgeons can easily switch   Systems, Inc., and was US FDA cleared for urologic procedures in
            over to robotics due to its various advantages over other MAS   2001 and gynecologic surgery in 2005.  Urologists were the first
            (minimal access surgery). It offers a high degree of magnification;   among the medical fraternity to accept this technology whole
            has a surgeon-friendly profile with better ergonomics; and has   heartedly; prostatectomy being the first surgery performed by
            EndoWrist technology, which provides a whole range of movements   them. Incidentally it still remains the most common procedure

            © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.
            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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