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Pain Relief After LVHR
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            All included studies were heterogeneous comparing different     13.  Mavros MN, Athanasiou S, et al. Risk factors for mesh-related
            interventions; hence, no quantitative analysis or meta-analysis   infections after hernia repair surgery: a meta-analysis of cohort
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            heterogeneous nature of the available evidence. The management     16.  Colavita PD, Tsirline VB, et al. Laparoscopic vs open hernia repair:
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            The authors sincerely thank Anne Wilson, Subject Librarian from   10.1007/s00464-008-0230-4.
            the Counties Manukau Health Library for assistance with the search     20.  Winslow ER, Diaz S, et al. Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair in
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