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Pain Relief After LVHR
            statement where possible.   Two authors (JR and VA) independently   SD measures were attempted based on the methods described in
            performed electronic searches of four databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE,   the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions,
            Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar).   where attempts to contact authors for clarification were
            With the assistance of a subject librarian, the first author (JR) collated   unsuccessful (up to two emails).
            a list of keywords and search terms to incorporate them into the
            strategies adapted for each database. The search terms combined   Risk of Bias Assessment
            the concepts of LA, LVHR, post-operative pain, and morphine   The Cochrane Collaboration tool for assessing risk of bias was
            consumption (Table 1). Results were limited to adults (>18 years)   implemented and generated by RevMan 5.1.   Two reviewers (JR
            and randomized controlled trials (RCT). No other limitations were   and LP) independently assessed the methodological quality of
            applied. Search results were downloaded and managed with   trials for sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding
            RefWorks citation management software (ProQuest LLC, USA).  of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment,
                                                               incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, lost to follow-up,
            Study Selection                                    intention-to-treat, and financial conflicts.
            Abstracts were screened and full-text papers obtained to identify
            primary research studies reporting the effectiveness of the  review results
            addition of LA techniques in reducing pain scores and morphine   The literature search identified 637 records in the initial database
            consumption in the first 24 hours following LVHR. All published   search. A PRISMA flow diagram for the systematic review is
            studies comparing LA modalities for post-operative pain relief   presented in Flowchart 1. Four RCT met the inclusion criteria
            following LVHR by randomized trial were included. The primary   and were included in the review.      All four studies compared
            outcomes of interest were pain scores at rest and total morphine   bupivacaine with normal saline and only one of these studies used
            consumption in the first 24 hours following LVHR. Exclusion   bupivacaine with epinephrine (Table 2). All studies were classified as
            criteria included nonrandomized studies, pediatric studies, and   having a low risk of bias (Fig. 1). Variations in the timing of outcome
            those articles for which full-text publications were not available   measures, the duration and type of the intervention and the study
            (e.g., conference abstracts). Three reviewers (JR, LP, and VA)   cohorts limited meaningful synthesis of the data. The data are
            independently performed the searches and examined titles and   therefore presented as a narrative review.
            abstracts to exclude irrelevant reports and produce a list of studies
            for full-text review in an iterative process. Any disagreement  Pain Scores
            over inclusion or exclusion was discussed with the senior author   There was variation in the types of post-operative pain-scoring
            (AGH) and a consensus reached. Additional articles and abstracts   questionnaires used in the included studies. Two studies utilized
            were retrieved by manually examining reference lists of relevant   visual analog scores (VAS),      one study used a numerical rating
            publications. The last search was performed on June 19, 2018.  scale (NRS),   and the remaining study used VAS and present pain
                                                               intensity (PPI) scores.   Only one trial, the largest of the included
            Data Extraction                                    studies, demonstrated a statistically significant difference in pain
            Data extraction for morphine consumption and pain scores in the   scores at 24 hours.   This trial was assessed as having a low risk of
            first 24 hours was performed independently by two reviewers   bias and bupivacaine was comparedwith saline using a laparoscopic
            (JR and VA) and entered into predesigned electronic tables. Data   transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block and only a very small
            were reported as mean ± standard deviation (SD) where possible.   difference (0.08 mg) was noted in pain scores, which is unlikely
            Morphine consumption within the first 24 hours following   to be clinically significant. However, a statistically and clinically
            surgery was reported as morphine equivalents where possible   significant difference in morphine consumption clearly favored
            and as reported by individual trials. The median score was used   the TAP block with bupivacaine (see below). Three trials showed a
            as an estimate of the mean where the latter was not reported.   significant reduction in the reported pain scores at the one-hour
                                                               mark, of which two reached statistical significance in favor of the
            Table 1: Search strategy used in OVID Medline® in-process and other   intervention group at one hour post-surgery.
            non-indexed citations (search strategy was modified as required for each
            database used. exp. exploded MeSH term, mp key word, mt methods)  Morphine Consumption
            Search terms                                       Three of the four included studies demonstrated decreased
            (postoperat* or post-operat* or postoperative pain or postoperative   morphine consumption in the intervention group at 24 hours, of

            pain or pain*).mp                                  which only one reached statistical and clinical significance.  The
            and                                                remaining study reported a statistically insignificant increase in
            exp. analgesics, opioid/or or or opiate*.  morphine use in the intervention group at 24 hours following LVHR
            mp or opioid*.mp or analg*.mp                      and did not provide a measure of variance.
            and                                                Complications and Adverse Effects
            Anesthesia, local/mt or local anesth*.mp or local anesth* or   There were no reports of adverse events following the application
   or or or lignocaine.  of LA interventions. None of the trials reported plasma levels of LA
            mp or                                  agents. Only one study reported a major complication: a single case
            and                                                of mesh infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
            “laparoscopic ventral hernia repair”.mp or exp. hernia, ventral/
            mt OR ventral                           discussion
            and                                                This systematic review includes four trials comparing various
            exp. laparoscopy/mt or laparoscop*.mp or endoscop*.mp  bupivacaine interventions to usual/standard care or a saline control

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