Page 19 - Journal of World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons
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Study of Feasibility of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery with Conventional Instruments
            2 belong to cholecystectomy group. Postoperative pain was   more than 5. Mean analgesic dose requirement was 2.52 ± 0.60
            measured by using VAS, ranging from 0–10, every 6 hours for   doses in appendectomy group while it was 2.94 ± 0.62 doses in
            first 24 hours and average of the 4 scores was taken. Mean VAS   cholecystectomy group.
            score in first 24 hours was 5.38 ± 0.58 in appendectomy group   Port-site infection occurred in two cases, one from
            while it was 6 ± 0.74 in cholecystectomy group. VAS score was   appendectomy and one from cholecystectomy group. In both
            obtained at a point of time, postoperative day 2 in every patient,   cases, it was cellulitis around infraumbilical port and was managed
            and mean VAS score on POD 2 was 2.14 ± in appendectomy   conservatively in both cases. Patients were encouraged for
            group while it was 2.21 ± 0.53 in cholecystectomy group. Patient   mobilization postoperatively as soon as they were comfortable.
            received 50 mg of Inj. Diclofenac sodium in first 24 hours as per   Patients were discharged from hospital once adequately mobilized
            VAS score. One dose was given every time when VAS score was   and have good pain relief. Mean postoperative hospital stay in
                                                               appendectomy group was 2.09 ± 0.30 days while it was 2.10 ± 0.31
                                                               days in cholecystectomy group. Mean time to return to normal
            Table 1: Intraoperative findings
                                                               activity found to be 7.76 ± 0.83 days in appendectomy group and
            Intraoperative finding    Incidence    Percentage  8.84 ± 0.76 days in cholecystectomy group.
            Adhesions                 12/40        30             Scar score given by patients on follow-up at 1 month was noted.
            Bowel injury              Nil          0           Mean scar score in appendectomy group was 7.90 ± 0.62 and in
            Hemorrhage                2/40         5           cholecystectomy group was 7.84 ± 0.64. Patient satisfaction score
            Bile leak                 1/19         5.26        taken on follow-up at 1 month was in 7.95 ± 0.58 appendectomy
                                                               group and 7.73 ± 0.45 in cholecystectomy group. All patients were
            CBD injury                Nil          0           followed up for minimum of 6 months and no patient found to
            Conversion                Nil          0           have port-site hernia.

            Table 2: Comparison with other studies of single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (SILA)
                                                                         Name of studies
            Parameters                       Our study  Vilallonga et al. 3  Oscar et. al. 4  Ceci et al. 5  Kossi et al. 1  Park et al. 6
            Total no. of cases               21        46             20          12         10         42
            Age (year)                       32.2      34.2           30          23.3       37         23.9
            Operative time (minute)          42.04     52             40          –          40         51.7
            Drain placement                  0         –              4 (20%)     3 (25%)    –          –
            Conversion                       0         1 (2.17%)      0           0          0          0
            Postoperative fever              3 (14.2%)  –             –           4 (33.3%)  –          –
            Postoperative ileus              4 (19%)   –              –           5 (41%)    –          –
            Postoperative pain (mean VAS on POD 2)  2.14  2.8         2           –          –          3.05
            Postoperative stay (days)        2.09      –              2           –          2          2.6
            Port-site infection              1 (4.76%)  –             –           –          1 (10%)    –
            Patient satisfaction score       7.95      7.5            –           –          –          –
            Scar score                       7.9       8.6            –           –          –          –

            Table 3: Comparison with other studies of SILC
                                                                          Name of study
            Parameters                        Our study    Culp et al. 7  Sulu et al. 8  Karim et al. 9  Van der Linden et al. 10
            Total no. of cases                19           62          23          45            136
            Age (year)                        36.71        45          48.8        46            45
            Operative time (minute)           75.21        65          79.1        75            46
            Conversion                        0            0           5           1 + 2         1 + 7
            Postoperative fever               2 (10.52%)   –           –           –             –
            Postoperative ileus               3 9 (15.78%)  –          –           –             –
            Postoperative pain (mean VAS on POD 2)  2.21   –           2.1         0.34 (MEWS    –
            Analgesic doses                   2.91         –           3.8         –             –
            Postoperative stay (days)         2.1          2.8         2.0         1             1
            Port-site infection               2            0           4           1             0
            Port-site hernia                  0            0           0           0             1
            Patient satisfaction score        7.73         –           –           –             –
            Scar score                        7.84         –           –           –             –

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