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            Study of Feasibility of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

            with Conventional Instruments

            Pankajkumar J Zanwar , Jitendra T Sankpal , Mukund B Tayade , Ajay H Bhandarwar , Shubham D Gupta , Jasmine
            R Agarwal 6
             Aim: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of single incision laparoscopic surgery using conventional laparoscopy instrument set.
             Materials and methods: Patients admitted in General Surgery Department of Gokuldas Tejpal Hospital, affiliated to Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy
             Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, during January 2015 to June 2016 for appendicitis and symptomatic gallstone disease were included in study.
             Forty cases were enrolled in study and prospective observational study was performed.
             Results: Total 40 cases included, 21 cases of appendicitis and 19 cases of symptomatic cholelithiasis. Mean age of appendectomy group was
             28.71 ± 9.69 years and mean age of cholecystectomy group was 36.71 ± 10.48 years. In our study, mean operative time for single-incision
             laparoscopic (SIL) appendectomy was 42.04 ± 5.74 minutes. Postoperative fever was noted in three cases (14.25%). Mean postoperative pain
             as per visual analog scale (VAS) score taken after 24 hours on POD 2 was 2.14. Average postoperative stay in hospital was 2.14 days, and port-
             site infection occurred in one case (4.17%). Patient satisfaction score obtained on the scale of 1–10 on 1-month follow-up was 7.95, while scar
             cosmesis score was 7.9. In our study, 19 cases underwent SIL cholecystectomy, of which 7 were male (36.8%) and 12 were female (41.2%), and
             mean age of patients was 36.71 years. Mean operative time in our study was 75.21 min, mean postoperative pain taken on POD 2 as per VAS
             score was 2.91, mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.1 days, and port-site infections occurred in 2 cases. Postoperative fever was noted in 2
             cases, and postoperative patient satisfaction score obtained at 1-month follow-up was 7.73 and scar score of 7.84 on the scale of 0–10. No case
             required drain placement and conversion.
             Conclusion: single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) can be performed using conventional laparoscopic instruments, though it has more
             operative time, comparable postoperative hospital stay, causes less pain, and has significantly more patient satisfaction regarding postoperative
             scar and cosmesis.
             Clinical significance: Since SILS has more patient acceptance and satisfaction, it can be offered to all patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery,
             irrespective of unavailability of special instruments and financial constraints, as it can be performed using conventional laparoscopic instruments.
             Keywords: Laparoscopy instrument set, Single incision laparoscopic surgery, Visual analog scale.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2019): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1365

                                                               1–6 Department of General Surgery, Grant Medical College and Sir JJ
            Since the introduction of laparoscopy in surgical practice, it has
            evolved over the years from diagnostic laparoscopy to advanced   Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
            form and many complicated surgeries are now being performed   Corresponding Author: Pankajkumar  J  Zanwar, Department of
            laparoscopically. Laparoscopic procedures are now considered   General Surgery, Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals,
            as gold standard in surgical practice for common surgeries like   Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Phone: +91 9975483248, e-mail: pankaj_
            cholecystectomy, appendectomy, and diagnostic laparoscopy, etc.
               The field of minimal invasive surgery has experienced an   How to cite this article: Zanwar PJ, Sankpal JT, Tayade MB, et al. Study of
            explosive growth in the last two decades. Though the art of   Feasibility of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery with Conventional
                                                               Instruments. World J Lap Surg 2019;12(1):15–18.
            surgery has gone through a complete evolutionary process due
            to antisepsis, antibiotics, anesthesia, and concept of aseptic   Source of support: Nil
            surgery spread over centuries, the field of laparoscopic surgery has   Conflict of interest: None
            witnessed major changes only in recent past.
               The introduction of minimally invasive surgery has drastically   techniques representing scar less surgery are trans-umbilical
            changed the way in which surgeons treat the patients. Initially they   single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) and natural orifice
            relied on their direct senses like vision and touch to diagnose the   transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). 1
            diseases, monitor the condition of patients, and perform invasive   SILS has received increasing attention in recent years. In
            procedures, but now minimal access surgery has changed the entire   abdominal surgery, it is an area targeted for intensive investigations.
            scenario. Modern surgical methods are aimed at giving cure along   Laparoendoscopic single site surgery (LESS), one-port umbilical
            with using minimally invasive techniques, with the patient’s safety   surgery (OPUS), and single-port access surgery (SPA) are
            never compromised.                                 synonymous with that of SILS. 2
               During the era of laparoscopic surgery, common trend has   Several operations have thus been until now performed
            been toward less invasive techniques and a natural extension of the   by SILS technique including cholecystectomy, appendectomy,
            trend is to perform operations without scars. The most prominent   splenectomy, and sleeve gastrectomy and many more. Many studies

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
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