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Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Chronic Abdominal Pain with Uncertain Diagnosis
Table 5: Distribution of patients with chronic abdominal pain according to the postoperative pain scores
Intervals, n (%)
VAS scores 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days
No pain (0) 8 (14.55) 30 (54.55) 44 (80.00) 49 (89.09)
Mild (0–3) 20 (36.36) 18 (32.73) 9 (16.36) 5 (9.09)
Moderate (4–6) 26 (47.27) 7 (12.73) 2 (3.64) 1 (1.82)
Severe (>6) 1 (1.82) 0 0 0
VAS, visual analog scale
underwent adhesiolysis. In a study by Husain et al., patients clInIcAl sIgnIfIcAnce
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after a 6-month follow-up period. In a study by El-labban et al., and management of patients with chronic abdominal pain.
laparoscopic adhesiolysis resulted in a positive outcome in more Laparoscopy offers a definitive diagnosis in patients presented with
than 50% patients. undiagnosed chronic abdominal pain and helps in the therapeutic
In this study, the overall pain relief was observed in 89.09% intervention.
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–April 2019) 13