Page 12 - Journal of World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons
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Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Chronic Abdominal Pain with Uncertain Diagnosis

            MAterIAls And Methods                              Assessment of Pain
            Study Design                                       The pain was assessed using VAS score ranging from 0 to 10. VAS
            The present one-year hospital-based cross-sectional study was   was explained to the patient during preoperative visit, considering
                                                               zero as no pain and 10 as maximum pain points. The assessment of
            conducted from January 2016 to December 2016 at the Department   pain was done at enrolment and at postoperative followups, i.e.,
            of General Surgery. An approval was obtained from the Institutional   day 15, 30, 45, and 60.
            Ethical review board, prior to the commencement of the study.
            A total of 55 patients with undiagnosed chronic abdominal pain   Statistical Analysis
            were included in the study. The patients fulfilling selection criteria   The data obtained were coded and entered in Microsoft Excel
            were informed in detail especially, the procedure of diagnostic   spreadsheet. The categorical data were expressed as rates, ratios,
            laparoscopy and a written informed consent was obtained.  and percentages. Continuous data were expressed as mean ±
            Selection Criteria                                 standard deviation. The comparison of mean pain scores at different

            Patients aged ≥18 years with a history of chronic abdominal pain   follow-ups was done using one-way ANOVA test. p ≤ 0.05 at 95%
                                                               confidence interval was considered as statistically significant.
            from ≥8 weeks and undiagnosed despite biochemical and other
            radiological investigations such as USG/CT/MRI were included in
            the study. However, the patients diagnosed with chronic abdominal   results
            pain, discontinued follow-up, pregnant women, and those not fit   The mean age of the patients was 37.67 ± 14.45 years with striking
            for general anesthesia were exempted.              female preponderance (64.45%; Table 1). Majority of the patients
                                                               (38.18%) were in the age group of 18–30 years. Most of the patients
            Data Collection                                    were married (84.55%) and were graduates (54.55%). Fever was
            Demographic data (including age and gender) were noted. Patients   the clinical feature observed in most of the patients (41.82%).
            were interviewed for the medical and surgical history along   A history of lower segment cesarean section was observed in
            with presenting complaints. Symptoms such as fever, diarrhea,   5.45% patients. Tenderness over the lower abdomen was noted in
            constipation, burning, and micturition were recorded. The patients   45.45% patients, while 43.6% patients had generalized tenderness
            were subjected to clinical examination and details about severity   (Table 1). The characteristics of the pain in the study population are
            of pain based on visual analog scale (VAS) score, duration of pain,   given in Table 2. Most of the patients (65.45%) had a duration of
            site of pain, and nature of pain were noted. These findings were   pain between 8 and 12 weeks. The mean duration of pain observed
            recorded on a predesigned and pretested proforma. Investigations   in patients was 10.80 ± 2.78 weeks. Most of the patients reported
            including hemoglobin, total leucocyte counts, direct count, random   generalized (49.09%), intermediate (32.73%), and progressive type
            blood sugar, platelet count, liver function test, urine routine and   of pain (65.45%).
            microscopy, serum creatinine, and radiological investigations such   The clinical and biochemical profile of the study population
            as USG, CT, and MRI were also performed.           is shown in Table 3. Blood urea levels (24.51 ± 10.23 mg/dL) of
                                                               the patients with chronic abdominal pain was slightly high, while
            Intervention                                       the remaining clinical and biochemical parameters were within the
            After the evaluation of preoperative investigations and fitness for   standard limits.
            anesthesia, the selected patients were subjected to diagnostic   USG, CT, surgical findings, and the type of surgery performed
            laparoscopy, either by the open or closed technique by a single   in patients is summarized in Table 4. USG and CT findings were
            surgeon, under general anesthesia. Patients were kept nil by   normal in 76.36% and 20% of the patients, respectively. The most
            mouth for 12 hours prior to surgery. Initial port placement was   common surgical finding was adhesions (30.91%) followed by an
            done at umbilical point by open technique (Figs 1A and B). In cases   inflamed appendix (29.09%). The most common surgical procedure
            with scars and previous history of surgery, initial port placement   performed was adhesiolysis (30.91%) followed by appendectomy
            was done at Palmer’s point, by open technique. Additional ports   (29.09%).
            were inserted as required (Fig. 1C). The abdominal cavity was   Postoperative pain scores in the patients during the followup
            examined to the possible extent in each case. Interventions such   period is given in Table 5. On day 15, 47.27% patients had moderate
            as adhesiolysis, appendectomy, peritoneal biopsy, lymph node   pain and 14.55% patients had no pain. The pain was absent in
            biopsy, or aspiration of any peritoneal fluid were carried out at   54.55%, 80%, and 89.09% patients on days 30, 40, and 60. The mean
            the discretion of the operating surgeon. Starting from the pelvis,   VAS score gradually reduced from 3.05 ± 1.88 on day 15 to 1.22 ±
            the uterus, ovary, uterine adnexa in females, rectum and sigmoid   1.54 on day 30, 0.47 ± 1.02 on day 45, and 0.25 ± 0.78 on day 60.
            colon, ileocecal region, cecum, appendix, ascending colon,   This reduction was statistically significant (p < 0.001).

            transverse colon, stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, liver, spleen,
            and descending colon were serially visualized and examined.
            The patient was then turned in reverse Trendelenburg position   dIscussIon
            for examination of the upper abdomen. With the help of bowel   Chronic abdominal pain is a persistent problem that requires
            grasping forceps, the whole length of small bowel could be walked   immediate investigation and management. Hence, the study aimed
            over for direct visualization and examination. The final diagnosis   to evaluate the role of laparoscopy as an investigative modality in
            was established based on the reports of biopsy examination.   the diagnosis and management of patients with chronic abdominal
            Following the procedure, patients received appropriate treatment   pain.
            based on the findings of the laparoscopy. The general anesthesia   Male-to-female ratio in this study was 1:1.89. This suggests that
            protocol remained same for all patients, and they were followed   chronic abdominal pain is widely prevalent among females, which
            up for assessment of pain.                         could be explained by the number of gynecological procedures

             10   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–April 2019)
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