Page 10 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Outcome of Laparoscopic Repair of Hiatus Hernia

            Fig. 1: Chief complaints                           Fig. 2: History of prolonged proton pump inhibitors
            Study duration: May 2019 to October 2021           Table 1: Complications
            Subject selection:                                  Complication            No. of patients  Percentage (%)
            Inclusion Criteria                                   Gastrotomy                 0            0
            •  Patients who are undergoing laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication   Esophagotomy  0          0
              for hiatus hernia.
            •  Patient willing to participate in the research and give informed   Major intraop bleeding  0  0
              and written consent.                               Pneumothorax               1            3
            •  Patients fit for general anesthesia.             Postop
            Exclusion Criteria                                   Empyema                    0            0
            •  Patient undergoing another type of fundoplication.  Severe postop nausea and   0          0
            •  Patient undergoing fundoplication for a cause other than hiatus   vomiting
              hernia.                                            Wrap migration             0            0
            •  Patient was operated on by another method of fundoplication.  Intra-abdominal abscess  0  0
            •  Patient presented with gastric volvulus.
            Patient information was collected from the medical record office.   Complications of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication of 30
            Sociodemographic variables include age at diagnosis, marital status,   patients, certain problems are compared as follows:
            religion, level of education, occupation, and socioeconomic status.  In the study of Singhal et al., the pneumothorax incidence is
                                                               0.67%, whereas the pneumothorax incidence is 3% in this study.
            results                                               Intraop bleeding, severe post-op nausea and vomiting, and
                                                               wrap migration are 0%, 0%, and 0% as compared with 0.33%, 0.33%,
            This study comprised 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria   and 0.66% in the study of Singhal et al. (Table 1).
            during the study period. In this study, participants of 51–60 years   The usual day of discharge from the hospital after laparoscopic
            age-group are affected mostly and the mean age is 56 years, but   Nissen fundoplication is on day 2 or 3  but in this study, the usual
            commonly affected age-group is 50 years and older.  This study   day of discharge is on day 3 or 4. One of the patients in this study
            shows the females’ preponderance over males. Females are affected   was discharged on post-op day 10 due to a complication of
            by around 53% as compared with 47% of males in this study.  pneumothorax was managed by an intercostal drainage tube and
               The most common presenting complaint is the upper   chest physiotherapy (Fig. 3).
            abdominal (Fig. 1) discomfort, followed by heartburn, bloating, and   Reoperation rate in this study is 0% in 6 months as compared
            regurgitation. Dysphagia and shortness of breath are also present   with 5% that was observed in the study by S.S. Castelijns et al. after
            in 23% and 7%, respectively while in the study of Herron et al.,   3.7 years of median follow-up.  we followed up with 30 patients
            dysphagia is up to 24% which is almost equal to our study.  Late   for 6 months and checked for symptom relief and complications.
            postoperative dysphagia was observed in 5.5% of the patients in   K Sato et al. reported that transient dysphagia after the operation
            the study of Perdikis et al. 5                     was seen in 40–70% of patients but it is relieved after 2–3 months.
               Smoking, overweight, and obesity are important risk factors. In   In this study, dysphagia persists in one patient after 6 months.
            the present analysis, 40% of the patients are smokers and 83% are
            either overweight or obese. Age is another important individual
            risk factor. In our study, the majority of the patients are older than   dIscussIon
            50 years of age.                                   Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication routinely performed surgery
               History of prolonged proton pump inhibitors usage is present   for hiatus hernia. Age, overweight, obesity, and smoking are some
            in 87% of the cases in this study (Fig. 2).        important risk factors for hiatus hernia. In this study, most of the

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)  9
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