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The Prevalence of Cancer in Patients Undergoing Appendectomy
                                                               Chinifroush et al. in Iran (0.0019%),  Vessal et al. in Iran (0.0024%),
                                                               Guraya et al. in Saudi Arabia (0.0058%),  and Tchana-Sato et al.
                                                               in Belgium (0.0040%).  In a study performed by Ahmadi Nejad
                                                               et al. in Lorestan province, Iran, the prevalence of the appendix’s
                                                               carcinoid tumors in those with a history of an appendectomy was
                                                               reported at 0.17%.  Although the prevalence of carcinoid tumors
                                                               in the general population of the United States has been estimated
                                                               to be 1–2 per 100,000 people,  it seems that the actual prevalence
                                                               might be higher. Note that the incidence of carcinoid tumors is
                                                               often asymptomatic and can often remain so for years.  Based
                                                               on the obtained results, although no significant relationship was
                                                               found between gender and the presence of malignant tumors of
                                                               the appendix, the frequency of malignant tumors was higher in
                                                               men. Unlike the results obtained from the present study, other
                                                               investigations have shown a higher incidence of the appendix’s
                                                               malignant tumors in women. 19,23,25  In our study, a significant
                                                               relationship was observed between presence of malignant tumors
            Fig. 2: Comparison of the WBC count in those with malignant tumors   of the appendix and age, with older individuals showing larger
            and no tumor (n = 4940)                            numbers of malignant tumors. C-reactive protein assessment in
                                                               the patients showed 40.4% negative and 59.6% positive cases. No
                                                               significant relationship was found between CRP level and presence
                                                               of malignant tumors of appendix. C-reactive protein is an acute
                                                               phase reactant synthesized by the liver in response to infection.
                                                               The serum levels of this protein begin to rise 6–12 h after initiation
                                                               of tissue inflammation. C-reactive protein assessment is often done
                                                               easily and rapidly in laboratories, with studies showing that CRP
                                                               level can confirm appendicitis with high accuracy. 26,27

                                                               Since the diagnosis of malignant tumors of the appendix may not
                                                               be made easily, noting some variables, including advanced age and
                                                               high WBC count in the laboratory test, can help diagnose malignant
                                                               tumors. Moreover, given the malignancy as well as local invasion
                                                               and distant metastasis of some appendix tumors, follow-up of the
                                                               pathology report by the patient (especially older individuals) as well
                                                               as physician and during checkup following appendectomy within
                                                               short and regular intervals and if required follow-up treatment is
            Fig. 3: CRP values in the studied population (n = 4940)
            the studied population was 25.04 ± 23.98 mm/h. No significant
            relationship was observed between ESR and the presence of  AcknowledgMents
            malignant tumors of the appendix. Moreover, the C-reactive protein   The proposal of this research has been approved by the Research
            (CRP) test results showed 40.4% negative and 59.6% positive cases.   Deputy of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences with the code
            No significant relationship was observed between CRP level and   of 980527. The authors highly appreciate those who cooperated
            the presence of the appendix’s malignant tumors (Fig. 3).  with us in this research, as well as the general surgeons of Imam
                                                               Reza Hospital in Kermanshah.
            This study investigated the prevalence of the appendix’s malignant  orcId
            tumors and determined the possible relationship between   Mansour Rezaei
            these tumors and demographic and laboratory variables in
            4940 patients with a history of appendectomy in Imam Reza
            Hospital, Kermanshah. The results showed that the prevalence of   references
            the appendix’s malignant tumors in those who had undergone     1.  Kooij I, Sahami S, Meijer S, et al. The immunology of the vermiform
            appendectomy was 0.5%. Here, 61% of patients were male. In   appendix: a review of the literature. Clin Exp Immunol 2016;186(1):1–9.
            this regard, other studies have also shown a higher prevalence of   DOI: 10.1111/cei.12821.
            appendectomy among men.  In the present research, the primary     2.  Gebbers JO, Laissue JA. Bacterial translocation in the normal human
            type of malignant tumor was mucinous adenocarcinoma (34.61%),   appendix parallels the development of the local immune system.
                                                                    Ann N Y Acad Sci 2004;1029:337–343. DOI: 10.1196/annals.1309.015.
            followed by carcinoid tumor (23.07%). The prevalence of carcinoid     3.  van Rossem CC, Bolmers MDM, Schreinemacher MHF, et al.
            tumors in this study across the entire population was 0.0012%.   Diagnosing acute appendicitis: surgery or imaging? Colorectal Dis
            This value is slightly lower than the value obtained in the study by   2016;18(12):1129–1132. DOI: 10.1111/codi.13470.

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 3 (September–December 2022)  237
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