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The Prevalence of Cancer in Patients Undergoing Appendectomy
            appendix cancer on average.  Pathologically, appendix tumors are   Ethics approval: Ethical approval (code: IR. KUMS. REC.1398.185)
            diverse, and it seems that the risk of developing various neoplasms   was  granted from the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
            of the appendix (except for malignant carcinoid, which involves   Ethics Committee.
            women three times more than men) is the same for both males
            and females.  Carcinoid is the most common appendix tumor,
            while adenocarcinoma, lymphosarcoma, paraganglioma, and   Table 1: The frequency distribution of appendix tumors in patients
            granular-cellular tumors account for only 10–20% of appendix   undergoing appendectomy (n = 41)
            tumors.  Most carcinoid tumors are asymptomatic, and on average,   Type of tumor  Frequency  Percentage
            it usually takes 9 years to diagnose the tumor from the time of early   Malignant tumors
            symptoms.  When the tumor is located on the appendix base, it
            blocks the hole, whereby the patients manifest symptoms similar     Adenocarcinoma mucinous    9  34.61
            to those of appendicitis.  The present study aims to examine the     Carcinoid      6        23.08
            prevalence of malignant tumors of the appendix and determine     Adenocarcinoma     5        19.23
            its association with demographic and laboratory variables in     Mucocele           5        19.23
            4940 patients who have undergone appendectomy in Imam Reza
            Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran.                         Cystadenoma                   1          3.85
                                                                  Total                       26          100
            MAterIAls And Methods                               Benign tumors
            The present study is descriptive cross-sectional, with the study     Follicular hyperplasia    9  60
            population consisting of all patients who had undergone
            appendectomy in 2011–2018 in Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah,     Lymphoid hyperplasia    3  20
            Iran. The exclusion criteria included lack of pathology tests     Mucinous cystadenoma    1   6.7
            in the file, incomplete information, suffering cancers before     Sinus histiocytosis    1    6.7
            appendectomy, metastasis to appendix before appendectomy,     Follicular lymphoid hyperplasia    1  6.7
            taking chemotherapeutic and corticosteroid drugs, radiotherapy,
            and use of other immunosuppressive drugs in patients with     Total               15          100
            acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). From 6086 medical
            files of patients undergoing an appendectomy, 1146 were excluded,
            and eventually, 4940 files were examined. The required information,
            including age, gender, type of tumor, and laboratory information,
            was collected from these files.
            Data Analysis
            The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to check the normality
            of data distribution. The data were analyzed using descriptive
            statistics, including mean and variance for quantitative variables
            and frequency/percentage plus two-dimensional contingency
            tables for qualitative variables by SPSS 21. The p-value was
            considered statistically significant if p ≤0.05.

            The results indicated that most patients who had undergone
            appendectomy in the mentioned hospital were male (n = 3017,
            61%), and the rest were female (n = 1923, 39%). The mean age of the
            studied patients was 25.50 ± 15.16 years. The youngest patient was   Fig. 1: Age comparison between the groups showing malignant tumors
            a one-day-old neonate, while the oldest patient had 94 years of age.   and no tumor (n = 4940)
            Out of all patients undergoing an appendectomy, 41 (0.8%) showed
            positive pathology regarding tumor in the appendix; out of them, 26   appendix’s malignant tumors (p = 0.340). The majority of cancerous
            (0.5%) had malignant, while 15 (0.3%) showed benign types. Among   cases were observed in those above 50 years of age. In addition, the
            the malignant tumors, 9 (34.61%) were adenocarcinoma mucinous, 6   relationship between age and the existence of malignant tumors
            (23.07%) were carcinoid, 5 (19.23%) were adenocarcinoma, 5 (19.23%)   was significant (p = 0.025); older individuals were significantly more
            were malignant mucocele, and 1 (3.84%) was cystadenoma. Among   likely to develop malignant tumors of the appendix compared to
            the benign tumors, 9 (60%) were follicular hyperplasia, 3 (20%)   younger individuals (Fig. 1). The mean WBC count in those with
            were lymphoid hyperplasia, 1 (6.6%) was mucinous cystadenoma, 1   appendectomy was 12.34 ± 4.184 Tho/µL. White blood cell count
            (6.6%) was sinus histiocytosis, and 1 (6.6%) was follicular lymphoid   equal to and larger than 12 Tho/µL was considered positive (57.2%
            hyperplasia. The frequency distribution of different types of   of cases), and below this value was regarded as negative (42.8%
            malignant and benign tumors of the appendix is presented in Table 1.  of cases). The relationship between the number of WBC and the
               Out of the 26 cases with the appendix’s malignant tumors, 14   appendix’s malignant tumors was significant; the WBC count was
            (53.8%) were male, and 12 (46.2%) were female. The results found   significantly lower in those with malignant tumors compared to
            no significant relationship between gender and the presence of the   others (Fig. 2). The mean erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in

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